About 大圣归来
《大圣飞来》这是一款神奇的益智休闲游戏,画面精美、上手简单、轻松有趣、有惊喜有挑战。题材取自国民作品《西游记》,在游戏当中,用户可操控超萌超可爱的悟空,闯关夺宝,降妖除魔。采用国内用户更为喜欢的西游题材。经过多次调整,收集了众多用户的反馈信息,精心打造。称之为中国版的flappy bird。
The Mahatma flying, "this is a magical puzzle casual games, exquisite picture, started simple, easy and fun, surprise and challenge. The themes from the national work "journey to the west". In the game, the user can control super cute cute monkey, Indiana checkpoints, the demon Slayer. "Story coming." This is a fantastic puzzle casual game, beautiful screen, simple to use, fun, surprises and challenges. Themes taken from the national work "Journey to the West" in the game, the user can manipulate Super Meng super cute Monkey King, pass through Indiana, fighting the devil. The use of domestic users more like Journey to the West theme. After several adjustments, we collected a large number of user feedback, carefully orchestrated. We called the Chinese version of the flappy bird.
The Mahatma flying, "this is a magical puzzle casual games, exquisite picture, started simple, easy and fun, surprise and challenge. The themes from the national work" journey to the west ". In the game, the user can control super cute cute monkey, Indiana checkpoints, the demon Slayer.
by K####: