Word Hex Français FREE

Word Hex Français FREE Free Game

Rated 4.20/5 (5) —  Free Android application by Very Nice Studio S.A.

About Word Hex Français FREE

La version française d’HEXellent jeux Word Hex !

"Le principe de Word Hex Français est simple, il vous que vous retrouviez des mots français le plus vite possible. C’est un mélange de mots croisés et de mots mêlés." (jeuxvideomobiles.fr)

*Ce jeu rapide et amusant va certainement vous plaire, que vous ayez déjà joué ou non à des "jeux de mots".
*Trouvez les mots au hasard sur les champs hexagonaux du jeu - cherchez les mots les plus longs en plus grand nombre possible.
*Méthode simple pour évacuer le stress et se changer les idées en toutes circonstances.
*Records journaliers, hebdomadaires et de tout le temps - pour les winners (beaucoup de bonus et de niveaux à atteindre).
*Jeu optimisé pour jouer avec une seule main tout en laissant l’autre main libre pour votre précieuse tasse de café.
*Trois modes d’opération - Arcade, Relax et Hotseat Multijeux.
*Attirant et bien noté par les joueurs, les enfants et les étrangers qui apprennent la langue française.

Deviens HEXOHOLIQUE comme ceux ci-dessous:


Visitez-nous sur www.facebook.com/wordhex

Privacy Policy

We at Very Nice Studio are parents ourselves and we take your privacy and the privacy of your child very seriously. We comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). This software does not store, share, use or collect any personal information from our users.

Read the full version of our Private Policy: http://verynicestudio.com/privpolicy.html The French version of Word Hex HEXellent games!

"The principle is simple Word Hex French, you that you will find the French words as quickly as possible. This is a mix of crossword and word search." (Jeuxvideomobiles.fr)

* This quick and fun game is sure to please you, you have already played or not to "play on words".
* Find the random words on the hexagonal fields of the game - look for the longest words in the largest possible number.
* Simple method to relieve stress and change ideas in all circumstances.
* Records daily, weekly and all the time - for the winners (many bonuses and target levels).
* Game optimized for play with one hand while leaving the other hand free for your precious coffee.
* Three operating modes - Arcade, Relax and Hotseat Multigame.
* Attractive and well noted by players, children and foreigners learning the French language.

Become HEXOHOLIQUE like those below:


Visit us on www.facebook.com / WordHex

Privacy Policy

We at Very Nice Studio are relatives Ourselves and we take your privacy and the privacy of your child very seriously. We comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). This software Does not store, share, use or collect any personal information from our users.

Read the full version of our Private Policy: http://verynicestudio.com/privpolicy.html

How to Download / Install

Download and install Word Hex Français FREE version 2.2 on your Android device!
Downloaded 500+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.verynicestudio.WordHexFrancais, download Word Hex Français FREE.apk

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Android game

Game History & Updates

More downloads  Word Hex Français FREE reached 500 - 1 000 downloads
Version update Word Hex Français FREE was updated to version 2.2
More downloads  Word Hex Français FREE reached 100 - 500 downloads

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5 users







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