Drone in Belgrade for Android
With this game we do not intend to offend any person, race or ethnicity.We did not intend for this game to stimulate hatred between any ethnicity and we dislike such attitude.
This game is intended for entertaining purpuses only and should only be seen as such.
The main character is the Albanian player who tries to get the drone flying above the field.
The game has a 60 second survival mode where the player can not catch the drone. He has to survive from the other players until the count down is over and the drone loses his height.
The main character can punch the other players, he can jump to pass players and also can run faster by pressing sprint button.
Enemies re-spawn every 3 seconds and they have different resistances,they can resist 1 - 4 punches.
The main goal is to survive 60 seconds and catch the flag.
Nice. Let us be always proud of what we are. Albanian
Nice game
Good job
Really Really Really horrible, you owe me some Mb and a few minutes of my life
Esht loje shum e mire grafikat i ka super dhe urime per kete loje te mahnitshme eshte shume e mire saqe as amerikanet nuk do te benin loje me te mire nuk do te arrinin ti zhvillonin ato gjera qe i keni zhvilluar ju pergezime une po te mundja do ta vleresoja me 100★
Per ket loj no coment vetem vazhdoni nese keni mundesi lojrat ma 3d megjithate ju lumt
Kur e hapi lojen del ekrani i zi edhe fiket loja nuk hapet fare.Pls rregullojeni.
Super loje. Ja vlen nga ana logjistike dhe gjithashtu eshte shume e lezetshme si ide. K B
O sa mire me qene shqipetar
It's a good game Congrulations for all play this game and kill serbia
Ideja eshte shume e bukur por mendoj se duhet te punoni pak me shume me grafiket.
unfortunately stopped !!.. 4 yje per idene, 5 yje kur ta rregulloni..
Duhet te perfeksionohet goditja
Loje e pa pame... bravo
Nice. Let us be always proud of what we are. Albanian
Very good job #ALBANIA
Bravo çuna super loj
Loj e papame
Ju lumt quna super loje
Super fare fuck serbich.bravo cuna
Very good game,congratulations
Paa paaa qfar ide gjeniale... pse rasisht e gjeta kete? Pershendetje nga Prishtina ...
Loje spektakel
Nice game
I love Albania
Nice game!
Bejeni pak me te thjesht se eshte teper nervozuese. Maksimumi deri tek 20 sekondshi kam arritur pastaj vdes gjithmon
Fuck serbiaaaa
Tfort jem
Bravo cuna
E fort
si fillim mendoj se duhet nje mini tutorial per te kuptuar se cfare duhet te besh.Loja eshte e veshtire qe ne fillim, qe per mendimin duhet bere me nivele, dmthn si tip highscore game qe sa me shum lvl te ngjitesh aq me shum do veshtiresohet(koha zgjatet,tifozet nderhyjne )..Tjeter gje per te ul veshtirsin mund te ishte qe lojtari dhe mund te ulej apo rreshqas per te evituar goditjet.Dhe kur godet me grushte ska pse i hap kembet...Ose serbi ose shqiptari duhet te ket mjekerr, jo te gjith lojtaret njesoj
Tani punon
Nuk punon ne nexus 7 (asus) as nuk hapet fare, sapo mundohem te hap lojen thot unfortunately this app has stopped :(
Super Game
by M####:
unfortunately stopped !!.. 4 yje per idene, 5 yje kur ta rregulloni..