Killer Ant Empire Game / ALPHA for Android
It's pretty simple. Would like to see more stuff in it. For example more ground added (could expand depending on anthill size). The docile creature trying to do damage when attacked. Hostiles trying to approach. Losing and gaining ants/resources depending on how much food is stored and how much is used. If you do expand add better controls because then the anthill could get all that much bigger. Like auto collect food auto attack or not docile and hostile. To mention a few.
Great game. Just saying it would be cool if you could have different types of ants with there own abilities. Example: the trap jaw ant does 20% more damage. You could be able to unlock them with achievements. Example: killer: kill twenty enemy ants to unlock trap jaw ants
I think its sad bc you can't go inside your colony an upgrade how fast the larvae evolve, how often the queens lay, and iv played for awhile now an still can't find a use for the soldiers. I also think that a way to choose how many worker ants you want to use to carry food or whatever instead of one click an uses all you got. I have tons of ideas that could help but don't wanna leave a huge message, an nothing happens. (Not saying it won't happen but iv not yet had a response from any developer on any apps iv liked and commented about.)
Its would be cool if you added some new creatures like a stinkbug if the stickbug is threatened it will scare off your ants for 35 seconds and you should add *buy ants* so that way if you have enough gold you can buy ants! Also is it ok if you added different terrains like desert forest jungle modern and pollution it will have different nests and in rare cases the nests would get into fights if you do this i will be crying in joy!! Im a HUGE fan of your games!! ????
The update is such a huge improvement. Very enjoyable. I'm hoping to see much more from Umz Games in the near future :)
It's a great game, but after a while it starts to show a white screen. I recommend you fix it.
I don't even know how to play, how anything worked, and I attacked something that killed all of my ants, and I'm stuck with 2 ants, please inform me and others how it works
Silly game no intro or plot or anything....could be fun. Sim Ant was fun back in the day....
I think it's an awesome game how ever you should really put like new ants in it, maybe you can change from different ants oh and that you can go in to the colony and dig around and find food and enemy's down there!
It stopped working for me..... had a colony over 100 strong and building and it stopped
It's amazing but I'd like every thing pixels
The game isive been looking for a game where you control a ant colony that is actully fun and doesent crash every couple seconds.these are two things that dont need to be done but would make it more fun.1: other ant colonies makeing nests on the map.imagine another ant queen appearing on the map and makeing a nest and they also take resoursces from the map and also hunt other insects and fight you.thia would be cool and make the game a little more challenging 2: seeing the under fround tunnels and expanding this you definetly dont have to do but it would be cool to expand youre nest and fight under ground and expand the tunnels to have more eggs be laid. Like i said you dont have to do this but it would be funner
I like it , but why do I have to restart collecting food each day especially when I end up getting like 200 food?
Don't play the game it can not create more babys
Love it but pupa and eggs go under ground don't they I want to see the inside of nest and watch the ants crawl in it
need to have away to save progress and restart if you need to other than that good game
Can you make it so you use your food and play onlina and lay your own eggs
Great it's really addictive and it's a time killer.
I actually liked beta better tho but still good
And I really enjoyed it. I've only scratched the surface but I have a feeling I'll be playing this for ages yet. It's well paced and clearly explained to even a noob like me!
There are many ant games but THIS one... this one doesn't take five years to get 2 ants and the only bug for me is swiping the screen is a little out of control but I got used to it in less than an hour.
Still needs more variation in texture. More designs, details, and textures to the home and dumps (the bright grass can be an eyesore at times). More preys and predators. Maybe some additional ant types unless you prefer it's minimal state which is fine by me. I can't wait to see this progress further.
Ok it is very nice game. I think you need to put zoom in and zoom out for the player to go to the prey or food faster. Make the war become better. Upgrde the graph. It was a beutiful game =)
This game is really awesome! I love it when predators come because it is really challenging! Also, can you please add another part to the game where you can expand the base? Thanks!
great time waster for me anyways dont know if its for everyone but i really cant wait for the red version to come out
OMG!I'm addicted to this game now!Can u pls add more insect it would be fun and I like this game!:D
Theres not enough animals but other than that great game
how do you even eat the food so stupid
I liked it it's still is a time waster to me
Please make it so you can go into the nest but good game
please make it easier to get money other wise awesome
When is version red coming:'O
It's good but needs a little bit of tweaking in the textures
Awaiting enhancements
Add to where you can see the tunnels plzzzzz
Its alright it could be better
Good game
...Ignore that. Honestly, I love how ants work, and how they handle things. SimAnt has always been a game that I've been attached too. I still play it from time-to-time. But, most of the ant simulators here are a little...dusty. If you catch my drift. But THIS! It's already off to a good start. Obviously, we're all going to see some bugs/glitches, which is fine. This game holds so much potential, and can truly become even better then it already is. I'll be sure to drop some suggestions later on! Good luck~.
Was a very well designed game. Very straight forward. Especially the tutorial! Main issues were when removing my finger off the screen after panning, the screen would move very fast away from where i stopped. And when buying more ants. The game would reset all the food and hostiles so it felt like a new game. A very good addition would be to add a building mechanism to expand the base underground and have the player be forced to defend the queen. Well done!
by Q####:
Theres not enough animals but other than that great game