Far Cry® 4 Arcade Poker

Far Cry® 4 Arcade Poker Free Game

Rated 3.92/5 (7,579) —  Free Android application by Ubisoft Entertainment

About Far Cry® 4 Arcade Poker

Ubisoft OFFICIAL Far Cry 4 Arcade Poker game!
Match the best poker hands as the cards come down.
Hire your friends as Jokers and reward them !
Win some Cash for your Far Cry 4 Game !

How to Download / Install

Download and install Far Cry® 4 Arcade Poker version 1.0.2 on your Android device!
Downloaded 100,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.ubisoft.farcry.poker, download Far Cry® 4 Arcade Poker.apk

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What are users saying about Far Cry® 4 Arcade Poker

by T####:

I give 2 stars for the nice art work and music. I would rate it higher if it wasn't a simple repetitive clicking/matching game. Maybe if there was an actual poker game to play, that might be nice. At least offer some actual unlocks for in-game content other than currency. As if anyone would pay actual money for Far Cry 4 currency.

by T####:

Can't link to Uplay account and there is no support to fix any issues. And it's a pretty repetitive game, with no no real reward now that you cannot link to your FarCry game or account. If you were able to get any benefits or achievements transferred over it would change everything.

by I####:

Do NOT spend any money in this game. I spent $1.99 for unlimited rewind and it didn't give it to me. Says "Purchase Failed," and trying to restore purchases or reinstalling the game doesn't work. I've emailed them about it and still haven't got a response. It's only two bucks, but seriously?

by T####:

So you just keep flipping until you get the card you need. If you don't in time, restart. Good way to learn poker hands but boring otherwise. Wish there was regular poker with chips and betting against AI, since FC3 had in-game poker. FC4 does not so I thought this was the replacement. Please add a real poker game to it as another mode.

by U####:

Paid for in app add ons, money was taken, then didn't work, says purchase fail. Google tried to assist, no result. No response from ubi soft.

by B####:

This is a fun and addictive poker game. The only thing I hate is that it forces you to use the joker at the end of a hand when you're not ready to use it! They need to let you hold onto it until you're ready too use it!

by T####:

I actually enjoyed this quite a lot. It gets pretty easy when you get the last powerups. My recent game went over 2,700,000 points. And It's nice to get some cash in FC4 aswell :)

by V####:

I would give it more stars if it linked to my account Instead of it keep saying failed.

by T####:

Bought 2 in-game items and said purchase failed. Check my bank account and was charged anyways. It's only $6 but if this is what you want to do and rip off people and not follow up on complaints about the issues then you are giving grounds for a class action suit against you

by T####:

This game is fun but I feel like I've been entered from behind while playing it. So,... I keep coming back for more. I can't stop playing! Oh yeah!!! Give me more!

by T####:

Payed for a $1.99 counterfeit mechine and says failed purchase. It took the money I payed with PayPal. Please fix this or give m my money back

by T####:

Cannot login to uplay. Fails every time. Pointless to play when can't redeem. Gamewise is ok but goals get hard very quickly.

by T####:

I like how u can sync app with your Uplay account and transfer$$ into your far cry 4 game.

by H####:

Cannot do 4 of a kind without getting outrageously lucky. I tried over 50 times and I cannot do it. Not even close. You only get so much time so you have to build your hand from the first card of the first stack you see. You only can go one way through the cards after you use your one rewind. Problem is the next stack that drops might not have that same card or it's so deep in the stack you can't get to it. If the next stack doesn't have one either you're fucked!

by T####:

Could use a few more challenges and options to transfer cash to console game. I have completed this and it's now just wasted space on my phone.

by T####:

I've been fiddling with this for a bit and am enjoying it, though the cost for some of the additional bonuses is pretty high, even the ones gotten with in game currency are way too high.

by P####:

For a game that makes you Explore with a gun sticking in your face. what was I Expecting?. 0 in my book uninstalling

by U####:

It's a fine game but it won't let me login to my uplay. It says my email is invalid when i know it's not. What the heck. Fix this please?

by T####:

Kinda pointless to give the option to send cash to your far cry account if the app does'nt even let yo log in to uplay other than that it ok at best

by N####:

I don't really understand what you are supposed to do with the money you win in the game and the way you play it requires no skill. It does get you some free money in Far Cry 4 but it isn't hard to make money in the game anyway. I guess I don't understand the point of this game.

by T####:

Over priced micro transactions, not much fun, and it doesn't transfer a significant amount of money over to your game. It's just another attempt from ubi to screw their customers for every penny.

by G####:

A fun game. I love how you can win Far Cry 4 currency.

by A####:

I can't log into my uplay account it keeps saying failed

by Y####:

What a weird, fun, interesting way to play poker. I like to look at a lot of cards so when I heard about this app, I was naturally attracted. As I play, I can feel that Far Cry 4 vibe through the colors and setting that are within the app. I also feel like I'm playing in a poker room that I actually want to play in so nice job.

by Y####:

Worthless app. Could not get points to transfer to in-game use. And after about 3 hours into Far Cry, had so much money, it was pointless anyway.

by Y####:

Bullshit app, near impossible to complete some hands, without paying something.cards drop down to fast, and the cards you need only seem to appear when you tap faster, meaning you miss them. Also it wouldn't login to uplay to get the cash anyway so it's just a waste of time for me. Another fuck up for ubi soft after the unity mess. The app for that is also shit

by R####:

Quite crap really. Does not let me sign in to my uplay account. Says my email is not valid. Funny really. Pointless crap. Support is absolutely rubbish. Uninstalled.

by C####:

Lets hope this doesn't cause serious phone problems like the other app did! If so this will be deleted also and I won't be playing farcry 4, I'll trade it in.

by X####:

A good supplemental app for playing Far Cry 4 and a good way to pass time!!

by Y####:

I would like it more if I could connect my Uplay account to send the winnings to FC4.

by Y####:

Bought two of the in-game purchase add ons and it tells me that the purchase had failed. Used Google pay and the purchase shows up on my statement as successful. Either want my refund or have the problem fixed. Other than that it's a fun little add on to the ps4 game. Kills time when ur bored.

by Y####:

Give you money when you cash out in your far cry 4 account so its all good by me....way to go ubisoft more app like this please

by Y####:

Tried to buy booster packs, it took my money but wont give the booster packs just says failed. Same with restore purchases

by Y####:

Over priced micro transactions, not much fun, and it doesn't transfer a significant amount of money over to your game. It's just another attempt from ubi to screw their customers for every penny.

by L####:

In app purchases are busted. Game stole $5 from me and didn't actually add the purchase to my profile. Screen just said "error" after taking the money, and trying to restore purchases through the app also results in an error. Bad game.

by Y####:

I'm not very far into the game but it's a good game to kill some time with.

by X####:

Not as good as farcry 4 arena companion and $ in farcry is very easily earned via selling junk and excess plants so you really don't need the cash....it's a timing game which can get frustrating

by F####:

Quick, fun poker game with virtually no penalty for "losing" besides effectively losing the time spent playing and it allows you to cash out currency earned into Far Cry 4.

by F####:

I didn't know nothing about cards but this game helped me know certain hands to get an advantage.

by X####:

Clunky control annoying connection issues and tech support that is slightly better than useless unless you play the ps4 farcry4 i would say this game is not worth playing the in game cash payout to farcry4 account is a nice feature if you can get it to work

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