U ME RPG for Android
To be honest ill be the middle ground here. Yes there are dipshits on the app bad admins and trolls as well as jerks that want you dead but so does every social app or website now you can choose to look at the bad and not download or look to the upside that you CAN maks friends and CAN even find love contrary to belief. I personally think the power of ths app should go to the people not admins not guilds the users a democracy if you will geion is right prince arthur is a dick but hes hardly on sometimes and there are people like scalias, masked, volt, gurdur, and even if im not as strong as them im here for anyone if you want to download the app then do if you think itll just waste space then dont its your choice as a human to choose to join a pretry fun and friendly community or not no community is without flaws but flaws make us better as human beings so have fun and do what you want
It won't let me type in chats and it's being really stupid I don't like it
I love it. Great concept buuut it keeps crashing for me. (Samsung Galaxy s7)
Very fun and creative
U me RPG
Lovin it!!
by X####:
The man who runs it literally is insulting and ruinous, he uses people and makes personal accusations for a role playing application then participates in telling them to commit suicide.