Puzzle Cars for kids 2 for Android
The first game I have bought online because it is educational and my grandson just loves it.
My grandson loves it, plays it for hours if I let him
Great game. My grandson loves it. Can be better if there are more types of vehicles.
My grandson enjoys playing the game
2 yr old son loves it
Perfect for a 5 minute relax
Works well little one likes it.
Great for 3 year old.
3 year loves it.
Ok game mantap
Great app for my toddler
Perfect and education game
Its different useuseful adventure games for all
Excellent game
perfect for toddlers. My 2 year old son absolutly loves it. payed the 0.99 to unlock the rest of the cars. So worth it!
Very lovely for my daughter
Kids learn words in a fun way.
My boy love it
Unfortunately it won't allow me to purchase the full game
Great game
My son really enjoy it...tq
A friend's daughter spent hours playing this puzzle game on my phone! She was captivated. The game itself is simple to navigate and the controls operate very smoothly. It's a very easy way to learn about cars and vehicles because the narration is clear and the images well defined. It's a challenging puzzle game but it's easy enough to keep children's attention. Has English and Russian versions within the same app. Totally recommended! I couldn't get my phone back from my friend's daughter!
Ace game for toddlers
Meet Tony
My 2yrs old son love it..
by M####:
My grandson enjoys this game. He loves cars and monster trucks and putting puzzle parts on these cars is great. The 99cents is great price compared to some other games. Thanks.