About Sudoku VS
Sudoku is an easy way to learn logic-based number placement puzzle. The objective of sudoku is to fill in a 9x9 grid such that each row, each column, and each 3x3 block contains all of the digits from 1 to 9.
Two options to play:
1) Play, where you play individually keeping you challenged
2) Challenge, you will be in a game disputing with 10 players
To get started, select New Game, then select a difficulty level (easy, medium, hard and extreme) according to your experience to guarantee fun and focus to be the first on final ranking!
First tap on the square to select a button labeled 1 to 9. Pay attention that you should fill out all the cells until has no empty cell left. To undo a move, simply click on the number previously chosen and after click on the trash.
Tip: If you have never played Sudoku, select ""Easy"" to better understand how to play. Otherwise you are already a expert player, challeng yourself selecting ""Extreme"" level.
There are two ways to score:
1) New game: You play individually and consequently create a new challenge. First you will got 50 points by choosing the easy level; 100 points to medium level; 150 points to hard level and 200 points to extreme level
2) Challenge: You will be in challeging with around 10 players to run with better time of the match. The first three positions will earn points
Bonus: Play the video at the end of your match to get 50 points plus 30 seconds on your starting time.