About Dimana Papa?
Game untuk menguji koordinasi mata dan tangan. Jika Papa muncul di suatu tempat di layar permainan maka tap-lah persis di tempat itu sebelum Papa menghilang kembali. Hati-hati jangan sampai men-tap karakter lain yang muncul. Permainan berakhir jika anda men-tap yang bukan Papa tiga kali berturut-turut.
Keywords: di mana, papa, dimana papa, di mana papa, papa dimana, papa di mana, humor, lucu, tiang, tiang listrik, tiang lampu, bakpao, bakpau, benjol, pln, setnov, indonesia Game to test hand-eye coordination. If Papa appear somewhere on the game screen then tap the one exactly where it was before Papa disappeared. Be careful not to tapping other characters that appear. The game ends if you are tapping non Papa three times in a row.
Keywords: where, papa, where papa, where papa, papa where, papa where, humor, funny, poles, electric poles, lampposts, buns, Steamed Bun, bumps, pln, setnov, Indonesia