Lesbian Test for Android
It was good some of the pics were supposed to be funny I think but other then that I liked it
It says I am lesbian but I am proud of it
I like girls lesbian so what if I am its who I am
Awsome now i can come out to my mom
Apparently I'm a lesbian.,????
stupid and sucks
It keeps saying I'm a scissor sister everytime!!
Thos sucks bad.
We'll im a lesbian so anyone
Love it
Ummmm I am lesbian dosent matter what this test says GIRLS BE WHAT YOU WANT bisexual lesbian or nethir I'm lesbian I'm a girl have a girlfriend and when I see her my heart POUNDS out of my chest I love her!!! Sooo
Этот тест помог мне найти себя, понять свое внутренне я и просто познать эту жизнь! Безоговорочная 11/10!!!! Производители этого приложения, спасибо вам огромное, своим тестом вы помогаете людям понять себя!!!!!!
It turns out I am not strait or lesbian I am bio
by Y####:
Im a lesbian and u been waiting for my dream girl hope ill find her soon????