About 鍛冶屋カンパニー
給与をバンバン支払って優良企業に成長させるもよし、馬車馬のように働かせてブラック企業にさせるもよし。働き詰めで過労死させても復活の薬やゾンビ化させる薬があるから大丈夫!? Employment, capital investment, and the like is performed payroll, and trained in tap the heated sword, let's delivered to the Heroes of the sales department, which was directed to subdue Satan!
In this world the sword is like strong as large as possible, the second half, we will have the sword of the many times of tall. The sword comes with magic attribute, with fun to watch gimmick.
Inhouse employees that can train the sword, hobbits, humans, elves, dwarves and reformed 5 races of oak,.
Yoshi can also be grown by paying Bambang salaries to blue-chip companies, also to the black companies is worked like a workhorse and Yoshi. Okay because even allowed to overwork death by the action justified there is medicine to revive of medicine and zombies! ?
by P####:
English please, and you need google avhivements and cloud save to make this game perfect for me.