Poké Pet for Android
I actually really enjoy this gamw. But lately, everytime i played the game always lag. Fix it and you'll get more stars
Hate it always crash.. first impression it's a very good game to play.. after awhile you'll be so disappointed.
Keren.. Tapi tolong untuk di up grade, karna i worry about the monster... Karna terlalu banyak yang tidak dikeluarkan.. Tapi tampilannya cukup menarik di display.
I promote this game on 9chat. Many people wanted to play this game but don't understand the language except english. Please make it real. So we can play together with people from another countries. And this game always force closed everytime i play. Must re login for 3 until 4 times. A little bit annoying. Overall i really enjoy play this game.
Ga sekalian pake semua diamond buat dapet 1 bakul buah? Merasa udah banyak yang main? Udah banyak yang protes di chat..
Sebenernya gamenya bagus, tapi banyak banget peer yg harus di kerjain. Grafik sih oke, mode nya jg oke. Beberapa pr contoh, bahasanya yg kurang pas kalo bisa international, trus bener bgt kaya yg reviewers blg ini game pay to win, jadi ya imbangin lah, pokemonnya dibanyakin lg biar lebih asik. Untuk reviewers, kalo masalah login cuma loading doang itu masalah your connection bro, kalo suka crash maybe versi hapenya ga cocok, itu fix banget. Gw maen di kantor soalnya loading mulu, dan emg masalah koneksi. Kalo masalah crash gw pribadi ga pernah. So, overall this game needs a lot of upgrades
Ga ada pembaharuan pada game. Pokemon terbatas. Server selalu ditambah. Tapi proses bug ga pernah beres. Jarang mendapatkan feedback dari developer. Meskipun seru tapi harus sediakan uang karena ini game Pay to Win. Jujur aja saya bukan free player, keluarin uang gpp tapi tetap menganggap tidak masuk akal karena selama bermain tidak ada perubahan perkembangan apa2. Mungkin setelah semuanya ada feedback yang cepat baru saya naikan bintang nya.
Percuma saja klo game ini tiba-tiba tertutup sendiri. Apa yang mau dimainkan?
I have played this game for about a week. Now, I cannot login using facebook account. I choose login using facebook, the screen just showing loading, then nothing happens. I hope this problem will be fixed soon.
Ini game terpaku sama topup.. Kalo ga topup dapet pokemon nya biasa2 aja.. Udh itu jarang maintenance ini game... Malah selama gw main hampir gapernah maintenance
Saat akan menyimpan item, game sering crashed, mohon untuk diperbaiki.. Secara grafis dan gameplay saya suka, nostalgia.. :)
Why this app always closed when i try to save rewards from finishing a chapter? Please fix it then i will give you 5 stars
It is a good pokemon game, but the indonesian language used in the game is really weird and doesn't make sense, also the main problem is sometimes the game is force closed after i clicked button "simpan" in the finished quest page..
if only i don't have to log in literally EVERY TIME i wanna play and if it doesn't force close it'd be great
When i finished every stage & it had option save/keep item.. its error... every time i wanna keep/save it was error...please fix the error n i will give u 5 star....my advise, please don't show save option...save auto is better than that option.. thanks if u fix it
Mkasih yg buat pokemon for android ini. Slama ni karna sering inget game2 lama trpaksa suka install emulatornya gameboy buat main versi pokemon dlu dlu. Syukurlah udh ada yg develop game ini. Jdi keinget kumpul pokemon lgi. Thanks....
Gamenya bagus banget sumpah. Cmn kok suka kluar2 sndr? Ayo dong perbaikin. Beneran udah bangkrut apa gmn? Padahal top up terus gue
Why in my phone this game doesnt have a bgm music?!? I give you 5 star if you fixed this game
Cuma butuh bebrapa perbaikan seperti log in yang agak ribet kalau tiap main harus pncet id password apa lagi saya pake facebook :) tapi almost perfect kok
Everytime after battle and got the drop item it comes to like that. I'll give you 5 stars if you can fix it.. it was a very fun game so hope you can fix it.
sering force close, trutama kalo buka tab skill pokemon haunter/gengar, mau liat desc nya malah kluar
Wow bgt haa cuma sayang kalo baca petunjuknya gitu ga bisa di scroll dan tetep aja cuma vip yg dapet poke bagus haha but its okay laa still like it anyway
Always force close when i want to save my drop after the battle end
Untuk info event dan sistem penggunaan mohon diperjelas (terutama karna game ini berbahasa Indonesia). Contohnya event jirachi tidak diberitahukan harus melakukan gashapon dengan cara yang bagaimana, harus VIP kah, dan sebagainya, dan event login berhadiah juga.masih bnyak info lain yang tidak lengkap. Thank You, God Bless.
Gamenya bagus, grafik oke, teksnya tolong lebih diatur lagi biar rapi dan mudah terbaca, tutorialnya masih agak membingungkan. Untuk awal2 lebih sering kasi event / hadiah yang limited dong. Bahasanya tolong sediakan yg english juga dong, agak bingung sama bahasa indo nya.
When I'm enjoying this game, its always force close! PLEASE FIX IT ALL!
You'll need real money if you want to be a winner
When play elite area,always crashed,its very annoying,pls help fiz that bug,i ll rate 5 stars
Suatu waktu server hang, game otomatis keluar dan ketika masuk kembali data sudah dan perlu mengisi nama seperti ulang dari awal padahal level sudah 50 lebih
This game is lack of description and has worst Indonesia language. Can you show me how to change to English language?
Apalagi dari kecil hingga sekarang masih tetap hobby nonton Pokemon. Loved this game so much. Baru main udah langsung beli VIP 4
kurang smooth.. sering "koneksi terputus" padahal inet cepet.. update for bugs please
Btw.. bagaimana ngalahin moster2 yg dilevel 3 ? Mohon bantuannya soalny bru pemula
Dari segi gameplay sih bgs ya, tp kl war klan itu mending jgn mendadak menang, tapi sebaiknya dikasih reviewnya atau dikasih prosesnya bagaimana. Sehingga si pemain ini mengerti bagaimana bisa menang dan kalah
Why when i finish my battle always force stop then why cant auto.login please fix it or it will be 2 stars
It's a great game! Tapi pas mau nyimpen item drop selalu force closed. I would like to give 5 if you fix it...
Sering keluar, jadi males mainnya, sama juga upgrade nya gak bisa sekali pencet langsung full up
Unless you are a kid with a lot of money then go ahead. Its already 4 server within 2 weeks coz dev just look for your money. Wasting time unless you got min IDR500.000 to spend
Saat simpan drop item dari battle selalu FC..unfortunately bla bla blaaaaa...fix that !!
by Z####:
Hello there! Crash issues here.. Ain't u gonna fix it, like real soon??