Fu#kin' Ads for Android
Fun! Just a tip, the AiS ad should make a surprise smile sound like "oh! Hehe". Oh, and add more joke ads pls I spend time reading them xD
When I first got this game, I didn't know the references. But now... these skills I got from this game makes my life a better place to life. I would like a bigger vary in the ads, or a dw version
This is ironic to the point it's perfect. Frankly, I'm unsure if this is parodying the 90's Internet, most Android games or itself! It's not that great as a game but it's still genuinely genius.
The game is overual pretty deacent, however unfortunly theres a promblem that plauges the game, and that's that alot of timees two adds willl be right next to one another, thus making it impossible to tell witch one you're supposed to click. I think this stems from a problem with thengames hit detection overual however.
lol, what a funny concept. Better than anything on the playstore nowdays. Other games are just plain stupid and trash. but this, is an ancient treasure.
Great game. Just one thing though, could you add hardcore mode which is when adds pop up so you have to delete them all before more pop up.
Ya know. It's okay but the irony that this contains ads is just... why?
When you click on an ad it opens a web page but in this game you lose if a web page opens it means we lose time rather than the game and maybe you can add easter eggs to these web pages it would be so cool
It's a hilarious game and I definitely enjoy it, but my only complaint is that part of the time I will see an X that is behind an ad or two and end up clicking that and it sends me back to the start
I plan to uninstall this for a few reasons unless you click the first ads X you fail I think it should not have a order you should be able to close any second reason the shop prices are just BS like 3/4 hours on a clicker game to buy one thing... Last reason no achievement descriptions although this is one of the games lesser issues Overall change shop prices WAY down/add cheaper products make it to where don't have to click ads in order and I would redownload change rating and even recommend this really is a great concept just needs some work
Ooohhh boy this game is really adictive but i have something request but its really weired tho.can you add sexy ad hahaha im just curious because sometimes im not fast enough to close that add when my mother walks by so can you add it so i can practice with it.ty if you approve dev.
Yeah man. You deserved 5 stars from me because your game are telling the other people about my problems I faced on the net. Congrats.
Love it but there's one problem There is too many ads
1/10 to many addds you styoopid dvelper! P.S. This game is super addictive, would recommend (:
Not that much gameplay but good
Way too many ads
You wouldn't download a car
How do download the stolen car vi
It trained me in the art of closing ads
"This game contains ads" of course it contains ads it is a f**cking ads game,and I love it!
Too many ads xD
It's p good 2nd on leader board rn too
lol kickas is dead xdxdxd pirate bay 4 life
Too many ads
Too many ads
Too many ads
Too many ads for it to be playable. Jk it's awesome
Too many ads :/
Good game. Nothing special but it's ok.
Hilarious and entertaining!
Great game but just one problem, TOO MANY ADS!!
It's a good game but there's a lot of ads and they ruin the game!
When u have more than 100 ads on screen The fastest hand in the west
Cool game my muscle fingers are strong!!! Thanks
"Your window is clean, be like your window" Well damn..... your good sir
by P####:
I love the concept and I really want to love this game overall but it's just frustrating to the point where it's unplayable. I have to hit the X button ten times to get it to work, and that's especially terrible in a time based game. It doesn't make sense that I have to close them in a certain order. If I click anywhere but the X I fail, regardless of if it's actually on the ad or not. It takes way too long to get enough coins to buy anything, and for some reason I can't view my achievements. Love the irony though.