Rogue Life with BBM for Android
- Period: 8 Dec ~ 28 Dec 2016
- Information: Invite friends in game and success once friends log-in with BBM account. Reward when total number of inviting friends reaches 10.
- Method:
1) Send friend invitation message in game.
2) Success once friends download the game and log-in with BBM account.
3-1) Automatically reward item when total number of inviting friends reaches 5.
3-2) Input cell phone number to receive the prizes when total number of inviting friends
reaches 10.
- Reward:
5 friends = 4-star equipment set
15 friends = Rp 10,000 pulsa (for the first 3,000 people)
* Official Fanpage :
Once upon a time, brave warriors fought and defeated the Demon King. The world finally embraced an era of peace.
The age of tranquility continued for a long time that people have forgotten what it’s like to be in danger.
One day, monsters suddenly wreak havoc and the world is once again thrown into chaos. So the brave warriors have gathered to begin their adventure in bringing back the peace that was lost.
▶Easy to play and action-packed!
▶Defeat monsters and bosses in various single player modes
▶Real life simulation in your squad home – collect upgrade materials by working your squad members to the bone!
▶Recruit different characters
▶Over 300 costumes – customize characters to suit your style
▶Exciting PvP battles – 3 vs 3 on the battlefield, max 12 members per team
▶Tons of stages, quests, and modes – there’s so much content to enjoy!
▶Level up your characters from wanderers to elite rogues!
Embark on a unique and exciting adventure where you shoot monsters while you evade a barrage of bullets, projectiles, and missiles. Can you survive until the end?
Put your dodging skills to the test in this never-before-seen shooter x RPG crossover!
Mix and match costumes to style your characters! Like ‘em cute? Like ‘em heroic? Like ‘em tough? It’s all up to you!
Live the Rogue Life by chopping wood, mining, studying, planting, baking and more! Work your characters hard, till they drop!
Game Info
OS version: 2.3.3 +
Download size: 71M
Offered by: B2 Games
Rate: 4+
CS E-mail:
* BBM and BBM Design are the trademarks or registered trademarks of BlackBerry Limited, used under license, and the exclusive rights to such trademarks are expressly reserved.*
Kok event 2minggu nya hadi 1minggu? Harusnya jangan dirubah event nya dong
Bagaimana cara mengaja teman bbm untuk bermain game ini. Saya tidak tau mempromosikan game ini lewat bbm. Mohon info nya
Dominated by MOD user, and o'ow new update...
Tolong ditambahkan fitur wakil ketua klan, agar klan dg ketua non aktif masih bisa memanage klan. Perlu juga fitur ganti ketua klan.
Sinyal bagus tapi sering minta konfirmasi ke bbm terus ,,, perbaiki lagi masih banyak bug ,
Bukan tambah bagus malah tambaah ngaco, WTF!!!
lumayan suka gamenya..semoga kedepanya dpt lebih baik lagi
Sudah 15 invite ,pulsa gak masuk padahal udah ikut prosedur >>>>>nick: appleyard
All the monsters attack with AOE but we, the players just attack with 1 hit attack to one enemy. Too much energy wasted just to do the activities in the house.
Makin hari makin banyak cheater, terlihat sekali di poin kingdom defense. Game ini tidak rekomended untuk dimainkan. Tolong perbaiki sistem game Anda. Sudah capek lapor tiap hari. Ty
Maaf ni bang mau nanya, kok friend list di game rogue aku nggk yerlihat, aku jadinya nggk bisa ngirim roti ke teman aku, minta penjelasannya dong !!!
Gamenya memang keren cuma percuma main gara2 banyak cheater jadi ga seru. Lv kecil damage sudah 38k gak masuk akal
Tolong dong segera banned cheater & MOD playernya. Dibiarkan malah tambah banyak cheater & MOD playernya. Udah laporan lewat email juga belum ada tanggapan.
ini game makin byk cheater, bangga pulak pake apk mod. GM jangan diem aja, maunya nunggu laporan cheater doang, capek uninstall aja nih game.. cari yg fair play
Saya kecewa dengan adanya adv didalam game, padahal sebelumnya tidak ada adv, apa pemasukan uang dari player yg beli gems masih kurang? Sampai harus pasang adv segala?
Barusan download trus mau maen cuma sampek di depan doang. Udah centang syarat dan ketentuan trus tap with bbm tetep ngga masuk. Udah di tap berkali kali tetep aja ngga mau cuma muter trus kembali lagi. Payaah
Tapi min tolong bersihkan player yang menggunakan mod atau cara curang tolong lebih teliti lagi, karna menjadi kuat bukan dengan curang tapi dengan kerjakeras.
Awalnya sih 5 star, ganti jadi 4 star karna males update trs. . Ganti lagi jdi 3 star krn event 2 minggunya ngilang entah kemana. .
Lihat sponsor supaya free,,tapi gak taunya pake gem,, mksdnya apaan? Setelah update makin banyak sponsor kluar" gak jelas,, game buat sponsor????
saya sudah update aplikasi versi terakhir kok friend list masih.....aja kosong gak ada tulisanya tolong di perbaiki lagi nanti saya tambah bintangnya
Keren juga ni.... Tp emg beneran udh bs cheat?
Game ini tidak bisa login. Stupid
Byk bnget yg main curang... ckck. Lht iklan katany taunya gem ny kepotong...ketepu d gue :( .friendlist ny ga ad list...kosong euy...gmn tuh...menambah kebingungan tiap ad notif friendlist..pas dibuka ga ada apa2..tlg diperbaiki bug ny trims
tolong dong ini cheater di tindak tegas, biar lebih adil. terimakasih
setelah update sering terjadi kesalahan login, bahkan saat sedang dalam permainan tiba2 keluar
Udah update versi terbaru, tp bug friend list masih ada, jd ga bisa liat friend sama invite friend.
Seruu sih.. sayangnya untuk friend ama clan nya kurang simpel.. harus add via BBM, jadi susah temenannya..
sudah update versi 1.0.7, clear data, uninstall, reinstall, kirim email. friendlist masih bermasalah.
Overall ini game udah keren. Cuman msh banyak yg kurang kyk hrs balik ke rmh dlu selesai adventure. Pdhal hrsnya ada pilihan buat kembali ke map dungeon. Trs character voicenya paling parah. Aneh gitu kyk alien. Semoga bisa diperbaiki lg.
ni game lumayan ngisi waktu luang tapi sayang ndak bisa invited teman. Padahal undah coba ini itu :(
U need a major update for the hero..i mean really dude only 12 hero?and ur equipment way too much kinda not balance thought due ur lack of hero thing..but overall very nice game :D
Event nya ngaco...dr 2 minggu jadi 1 minggu..trus tiba tiba langsung ceklis hari ke 5...tanpa dapet hadiahnya.....
ga tau knp nih di hp saya hanya bisa pake wifi maennya...begitu pake jaringan mobile ga mau login...bintang 2 aja dlu dh...
Mungkin pertamax pusing, tapi kalau dah main lumayan ko seru gamex. cuman di bitle kurang gereget.....coba kalau ada war antar clans lebih seru kayax.......
Krn event na ngaco..2 mnggu jd 1 mnggu tp ceklis lngsung naik...nyesel update..
Ngene iki mbok jenengi game, goblok iso nggae game ta gak ? Mati o ae , STFU
Tidak bisa add friend.. Tidak ada list friend
Kenapa saya membeli gem 100+50 tapi tidak masuk dan status gemx masih sama seperti saya belum melakuan pembelian
by J####:
Love the "We wish you a merry Christmas" instrument... Merry Christmas All God Bless you abundantly ya All Player