Searching for Sasquatch for Android
Each player has a deck of 125 cards. At the beginning of each round, each player will draw enough cards to fill their hand - this is done automatically. 10 cards is a full hand.
Cards are click-to-play. You may scroll-over a card to see a description of the card.
Cards have seven categories indicated by card color.
Move (green)
Evidence (Hunters only) (pink)
Equipment / Sabotage (orange)
Action (Hunters only) (blue)
Counter (Sasquatch only) (brown)
Special (black)
Food (Sasquatch only) (red)
Movement & Move Points
A player must earn move points prior to making any movements. These are earned using movement cards or the ATV card.
Sasquatch is at home in the wilderness. He has much greater move capacity than the Hunters. Hunters must play 2 move cards to earn 1 move point. The ATV awards 2 move points - equivalent to 4 move cards.
Players will set their character anywhere on the game grid at the beginning of game play. Players will then play cards to defend against the other player and to work towards their victory.
Game Play
The game is played in Rounds. A round is divided into turns.
A turn has two phases. Move and Card Play. Any movements must be done prior to playing a card. A turn ends when a card is played, the player passes, or 60 seconds elapse (treated as a pass).
A player may only move or play a card during their turn.
A round ends when both players pass. Any evidence points not countered during a round are awarded at the end of the round. All unused earned movement points are lost if not used during the round they are awarded.
The first screen that opens when starting this app is the lobby. In the lobby, there will be up to 12 games listed that you can join simply by clicking one. You may also create a new game by typing a name for the game and then click the "Create Game" button. You will automatically be joined to the game you created but will remain at the lobby screen until someone joins your game. When you create a game, you will play as Sasquatch, when you join a game, you will play as the Hunters. The lobby also has rudimentary "chat". To join the chat, type the name you want to use and click the "Join Chat" button.