Play with the words for Android
It's in French not Arabic like mention in description. French is good for us since we are bilingual French English. It's too bad it didn't display well just in a corner and programation didn't work smooth have to leave application and deleted... will have purchase app if lite version had work.. we like the style of illustration let us know if fix will retry and change review. we use Samsung galaxy tab2
Too bad It's in French not Arabic like mention in description. French is good for us since we are bilingual French English. It's too bad it didn't display well just in a corner and programation didn't work smooth have to leave application and deleted... will have purchase app if lite version had work.. we like the style of illustration let us know if fix will retry and change review. we use Samsung galaxy tab2
Not arabic! I'm not exactly an expert, but I'm pretty sure that's french
by Q####:
I'm not exactly an expert, but I'm pretty sure that's french