Jelly Candy Mania

Jelly Candy Mania Free Game

Rated 0.00/5 (0) —  Free Android application by Pixel Points

About Jelly Candy Mania

Are you bored of games that require you to chase birds or shoot; Candy Jell might be your best pick then. Built by Pixel points, gaming has become fun and colorful just like your candies.

The goal is very simple and clear. This is a user friendly game that requires you to move the candies around by sliding so that finally all the candies in the arrangement are of the specified colour. The number of movements of each candy is denoted by dots on it. The moves are limited and should be done in a stipulated time. This is indeed a test of your deftness.

Candy Jell looks easy upfront but it gets you thinking when you make the wrong moves. Although a tough puzzle game to crack in the first few moves, you become cautious and hooked in the following rounds.

Candy Jell doesn’t tax you nor tire you out like the other games. It’s a breath of fresh air from your hectic schedule. This is a must have game for you if you are on the go. Relax and have a Candy Jell by PixelPoins .

How to Download / Install

Download and install Jelly Candy Mania version 1.1 on your Android device!
APK Size: 27 MB, downloaded 100+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.pixelpoints.jellycandymania, download Jelly Candy Mania.apk

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Challenging levels added .

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