Kuis Millionaire Indonesia Pro

Kuis Millionaire Indonesia Pro$1.08

Rated 4.50/5 (2) —  Free Android application by Pilot Student Studios


About Kuis Millionaire Indonesia Pro

Kuis Millionaire Pro tanpa sponsor.

Permainan ini mengharuskan anda menjawab beberapa pertanyaan dengan 4 pilihan jawaban. Selain itu, anda juga diberikan 3 bantuan yaitu, bertanya pada penonton, bertanya pada teman, dan hilangkan 2 jawaban yang salah.

Permainan ini tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet, kapan pun dimana pun anda bisa memainkan permainan ini. Koneksi internet hanya dibutuhkan pada saat tersedia update pertanyaan, maka dengan otomatis pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada akan diupdate.

Tunggu apa lagi buktikan bahwa anda cukup pintar untuk mencapai 1 Milyar! Millionaire quiz Pro without a sponsor.

This game requires you to answer a few questions with four possible answers. In addition, you are also given three relief that is, asking the audience, asking friends, and remove two wrong answers.

This game does not require internet connection, anytime, anywhere you can play this game. Internet connection is only necessary when the available update question, then automatically there are questions that will be updated.

Wait no longer prove that you are smart enough to achieve 1 billion!

How to Download / Install

Download and install Kuis Millionaire Indonesia Pro version on your Android device!
Downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.pilotstudentstudios.midpro, download Kuis Millionaire Indonesia Pro.apk

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For everyone
Android game

Game History & Updates

Price update  Price changed from $1.06 to $1.08.
More downloads  Kuis Millionaire Indonesia Pro reached 10 - 50 downloads
Price update  Price changed from $1.08 to $1.06.

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2 users