About Cerdas Cermat Islami Seputar Idul Adha - Qurban
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Alhamdulilllah Developer Pemuda Kahfi menghadirkan sebuah game edukasi kuis islami seputar haji, umroh, dan qurban yang biasa diselenggarakan pada hari raya Idul Adha. Game edukasi Islam yang memberikan pengetahuan luas seputar haji, umroh, dan kurban dikemas dalam sebuah cerdas cermat islami pilihan ganda sehingga memudahkan kita untuk lebih belajar seputar pendidikan agama Islam.
Fitur pada game cerdas cermat Islami seputar haji umroh dan qurban di hari raya Idul Adha:
~ Membahas seputar haji meliputi: rukun haji, syarat haji, tentang wukuf, sa’I, thowaf, tahalul, dam, dan semua yang membahas haji dan umroh
~ Membahas seputar qurban di hari raya Idul Adha meliputi: hokum berqurban, Sunnah berqurban, syarat hewan qurban, jadwal qurban, tata cara penyembelihan hewan qurban, dsb.
~ Membahas seputar puasa Sunnah di bulan dzulhijjah seperti puasa Sunnah Arafah
~ Game Pendidikan Agama Islam, kuis Islami atau cerdas cermat Islami dikemas dalam bentuk multiple choice atau pilihan ganda
~ Game Pendidikan Agama Islam disajikan dengan desain menarik
~ Memudahkan untuk belajar pendidikan Agama Islam
Download dan install game karya Developer Pemuda Kahfi ini sekarang juga, semoga bermanfaat. Assalamu Wr. Wb.
Developer Alhamdulilllah Youth Kahf presenting an Islamic quiz educational game about the Hajj, Umrah, and the sacrifices were usually held on the feast of Eid al-Adha. Islamic educational game which gives comprehensive knowledge about the Hajj, Umrah, and the sacrifice is packaged in a multiple-choice quiz islami making it easier for us to better learn about the Islamic religious education.
Features on Islamic quiz game about the Hajj pilgrimage and sacrifices on Eid al-Adha:
~ Discussing about the Hajj include: the pillars of the hajj, the pilgrimage terms, about the standing, Sa'i, Thowaf, tahalul, dam, and all that discusses Hajj and Umrah
~ Discussing about the sacrifices on Eid al-Adha include: legal berqurban, Sunnah berqurban, terms of sacrificial animals, sacrificial schedules, procedures for the slaughter of sacrificial animals, etc.
~ Discussing about fasting Sunnah Sunnah fasting month of Dhu al-Hijjah as Arafat
~ Game Islamic Education, Islamic quiz quiz Islamic or packaged in the form of multiple choice or multiple-choice
~ Game Islamic Education presented with attractive design
~ Make it easier to study Islamic education
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