About Desvestí Al Pocho Lavezzi
Desvesti al Pocho Lavezzi es un juego de tipo Trivia de preguntas y respuestas conocido también como “Preguntas y Respuestas” o “Quiz” en el que tendrás recompensa por utilizar toda tu destreza mental para responder las preguntas, si respondes bien, ¡Le sacas una prenda al Pocho Lavezzi!
Poné a prueba tu conocimiento respondiendo las preguntas sobre Cultura General, Geografía, Historia, Arte, Literatura, Ciencia, Entretenimiento, Cine y Tecnología antes que se acabe el tiempo y el atractivo del Pocho Lavezzi te motivará para que lo sigas haciendo. Pero cuidado, no respondas 3 preguntas mal porque si no harás desmallar a Sabella!
En los distintos niveles encontrarás al Pocho Lavezzi vestido con distintas temáticas como policía, doctor, jugador de fútbol americano, con traje, gladiador, etc.!
¡Ganá todos los niveles en Desvesti al Pocho Lavezzi para completar tu galería de fotos!
Disclaimer - All logos/images/names are copyright of their perspective owners. This image is not endorsed by any of the perspective owners, and the images are used simply for aesthetic purposes. No copyright infringement is intended. This application is an unofficial fan based application. Undressed to Pocho Lavezzi is a game of Trivia questions and answers also known as "Q & A" or "Quiz" in which you reward by using all your mental skills to answer the questions, kind if you answer right, you pull a Pocho Lavezzi to pledge!
Tests your knowledge by answering the questions on General Knowledge, Geography, History, Art, Literature, Science, Entertainment, Movies and Technology before time and appeal of Pocho Lavezzi will motivate you to keep doing what is up. But beware, do not answer questions 3 mal because if you do not desmallar Sabella!
At various levels to Pocho Lavezzi we dressed in different themes such as police, doctor, football player, suit, gladiator, etc.!
Ganá all levels to Pocho Lavezzi undressed to complete your gallery!
Disclaimer - All logos / images / names are copyright of Their perspective owners. This image is not endorsed by any of the owners perspective, and the images are used simply for aesthetic purposes. No copyright infringement is Intended. This application is an unofficial fan based application.