About Pirates F.C. - SoccerJumper
Versuche den Ball durch wiederholtes tippen solange wie möglich in der Luft zu halten und weiche den Baumstämmen aus,. Berührst du den Boden oder einen Baumstamm, endet das Spiel.
Also.. auf ins Spiel!
Forza Pirates!!! Attempts of the ball by repeatedly tap as long as possible in the air to keep soft and the tree trunks from ,. If you touch the ground or a tree trunk, the game ends.
So .. on to the game!
Forza Pirates !!!
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Pirates F.C. - SoccerJumper version 1.1 on your
Android device!
Downloaded 10+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package:
com.palapps.piratesgame.android, download Pirates F.C. - SoccerJumper.apk