About Fairypang
Big Firece Boss on Block-Linking Game!! Fairy~~ Pang!!
■ Indroduction ■
No More Boring Block-Linking (Pang Style) Game!
- freely create your own skills through linking blocks, using those, you can attack and defend your castle
Boss Stage There!!
- you can defeat demon boss on every 5 waves! brilliant strategy and combat skills neeed!!
Enemy Never Stupid Or Dumb!
- all enemies have their own attributes and strategy. you have to consider what skill is best choice!
Is There Boring Moment??
- the chosen one grasping speed and wisdom will rescue fairy world from fierce demon army!
Do you want a pang style game which only need never ending link and link like zombie?
- now, you can enjoy a grace pang style game needing strategy and speedy hadnling all!
by P####:
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