
大掛武林 Free Game

Rated 3.81/5 (32) —  Free Android application by NEXT Game


About 大掛武林


1. 一鍵暢玩——免去繁瑣的手機操作,只要指指點點,吊打Boss不是夢。
2. PK互動——行走江湖,刀口舔血,快意恩仇。少不了的是朋友,免不了的是敵人。PK對戰無處不在,結交朋友,追殺仇敵,和仇人PK、參加華山論劍,武道大會……花樣繁多,內容充實!
3. 技能自由搭配——幾十種特色鮮明的武功,上千種組合任你選!在這裡出現的都是絕世神功,沒有最強的技能,沒有最強的組合,只有最強的玩家。
4. 幫派爭雄——每周2次8V8公平的幫派戰,讓你和志同道合的朋友一起稱霸江湖,成為武林第一幫,號令天下。
5. 豐富歷練——谷底覓得絕世秘籍,山洞偶遇世外高人,江湖奇遇天天有。參與華山論劍,江湖幫派爭雄,挑戰武林門派,尋找軒轅秘寶。體會恩怨情仇,遍歷江湖紛擾,更有眾多支線任務可以完成!
6. No類型化——大掛武林不是卡牌遊戲、不是放置類遊戲、也不是策略類遊戲。《大掛武林》——自由度超高、搭配超多的MMO!

Large hanging martial arts, relaxed hang off stress-free upgrades,

[Game Features]
1. Play a key - replacing the cumbersome mobile phone operator, as long as pointing, beating and hanging Boss is not a dream.
2. PK Interactive - walking dead, knife-edge licking the blood, Willful allies and enemies. Ultimately, is a friend, is inevitable enemy. PK battle everywhere, make friends, kill the enemy, and the enemy PK, participate Huashan Mountain, Budokai ...... variety, informative!
3. Skills free with - dozens of distinctive martial arts, thousands of combinations of your pick! Here is all that magic masterpiece, not the strongest skill, not the strongest combination, only the strongest players.
4. gang hegemony - twice weekly 8V8 gang fight fair, so that you and like-minded friends together dominate the arena, becoming the first martial arts to help, orders the world.
5. rich experience - the bottom to find cheats masterpiece, cave encounter the world outside expert, rivers and lakes adventure every day. Participation Huashan Mountain, rivers and lakes gang hegemony, martial arts martial challenge to find Regulus Mibao. Experience pains and sorrows, troubles traverse rivers and lakes, many more quests to complete!
6. No typing - not a big hang martial arts card game, not a game place, nor is it strategy game. "Great hang martial arts" - DOF high, with over many MMO!

How to Download / Install

Download and install 大掛武林 version 1.0.1 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package: com.nlbgame.djh.tw, download 大掛武林.apk

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