陰陽師Onmyoji - 和風幻想RPG for Android
im loving this game. i hope there's an english version or i can select which language to choose? anyway im still in love wih this game! this is a greag inspiration that motivates me to learn how to read and write in japanese! ????
Love the graphics n storyline game play experience, although getting good shikigami is not easy but even without rare shikigami you're still able to play n enjoy it
The game is amazingly good even though I'm playing on the chinese version, but could you release the English version to South East Asian countries????Would really appreciate it!
12/27,11:47am之前維修之後, 卡池問題請給個解釋,之前課的金我可以不在乎,但是要是官方想以這種方式逃避問題的話我覺得這個遊戲我就休閒玩就好,為什麼要把我的錢丟給不負責任的人? 入坑一年的遊戲,現在轉休閒了,非活動一般都進入拿獎勵而已… 現在把這裡評價改成這樣,除非我看見官方出來面對不然就是這樣咯
Good gameplay and anime style looking, great job dev keep up the good work.
无论是画风 还是故事情节 或者是卡片 我都很喜欢 缺点是有时候很卡 继续加油!
How can they earn money if everyone get ssr?that is like the only reason I still play this game.
从去年玩到现在,真心觉得是个不错的游戏。画质高清,日本声优。建模也不错看。 SSR抽到的几率也不算很低。 认识的网友都很和善。 不会很卡。。。(哈哈哈心虚 不课金也可以成为大佬(努力嘛
I can't login after updated, fix it please, then you'll have the rest of the stars
遊戲本身很不錯很好玩,只是官方賤,把循規蹈矩的乖乖玩家當白痴耍,把好處都給了少數不遵守遊戲規則的大課主,令整個遊戲變得非常不公平(藍票事件) 另請解釋27/12卡池問題,不要再在fb瘋狂洗板然後無視事件!
English version would be nice.
SSR 太看臉了
good to killing time even too much
Tooooooo hard to get SSR
why my games is in Japanese language
God like Game
Please give me ssr I beg u please ????????????????
Good game nice graphic
Nice n fun
I love this game
Awesome game
Nice game
Love it!
Best mobile game I have ever played so far. For those who complain with bad review. Ignore them, they just bad. Get good noob
game is faulty...the 凖备 button froze and does not work at all. you can't even go into a fight!!!????
Edited this comment because it's really hard to get strong characters. Playing for almost a year nw and still stuck with only 2 ssr. Tell me about my luck or this game really suck!
官方處理事情很敷衍,也不公平,特別是7月31日的藍票奉還事件 不僅如此,發現問題反饋 客服也直接無視
萌新别下载了 官方会时常 无理削弱 武神, 而且很多时候都会 私下 调整武神 重点: ssr 机率非常非常非常渺茫
To the game makers of this game, you suck at making this game ! I can see people with only level 10 has more than 3 ssr while I'm level 23 have only 1 ssr I even top up money to draw the cards and all you all give is r cards so what is your problem right now !
一直出現not responding就算了,百鬼夜行到一半給我強制退出,偏偏那次押的是雪童子,暈 →_→
為什麼沒辦法進入到遊戲,一直說陰陽師has stopped ,別的遊係都沒問題網路也很順
Graphics nice & easy to play... but almost daily updates really frustrated
by J####:
to those who is reading the review if u cant stand games being laggy or always updating and lag sometimes even freeze in a middle of the game and sometimes doesnt allow u to play and the fact cant get strong character even though i spend lots of money like real money, dont play. This game sometimes even cheat. like how the hell a level25 R rated character cant be kill by a level 38 SSR rated character with good powers and support. If they hate you they wont give u ssr.