Colotwino for Android
Deleting other games on my phone because this one is so great... It's more challenging than it seems. Use it as a 'time waster' or as a real thought provoker that doesn't get you mad. Found out about this thanks to Michael Stevens on YouTube
Saw this on reddit and found it to be quite fun. It's simple and can be addictive. The only thing I could say is try and add more quality of life type controls, for example tap the block to rotate it.
Fantastic game! Great way to kill time while waiting for something, and reminds me a lot of games like Hex FRVR and to a lesser degree 2048.
Yep more or less the same as in a browser but running more smooth. The colourblindmode is great and the game is quiet fun.
Great game! Simple, yet challenging. Never the same twice.
The ads ruin the game.
Can i ask why you need access to my mic.. not like you need it
Great simple game, but a little unoriginal
Good for if you are bored
Saw this on Reddit! Good work buddy. Addictive, simple and fun.
Good game, but offer a level up, or faster paced game.
Simple. Cool. Need bigger board, still fun though.
An enjoyable game that can be played quickly.
Love small team work on a good project.
Very addicting. Simple, clean and fun.
Nice, deceptively easy.
Surprisingly good.
Simple and sweet
i love the game
Doesn't need additional permissions, 5 Stars!
Can't get enough!
by R####:
Newly added dots confused me a moment, but I realized they were for colorblind! Very nice option. Liked the game anyway, fun quick loading time waster that makes you think and plan.