About Belajar Membaca dan Berhitung
Ayo kita belajar mengenal huruf, mengenal angka, membaca nama buah & hewan, serta belajar berhitung. Game edukasi ini gratis, sangat cocok untuk anak-anak, paud, serta balita yang sedang masa pertumbuhan yang suka menonton film Boboboy, UpinIpin, dan Masha.
Dengan game ini kita boleh belajar:
1. Mengenal Huruf Alphabet
2. Mengenal Angka
3. Mengenal Nama Hewan
4. Mengenal Nama Buah
5. Menghitung jumlah Hewan
6. Menghitung jumlah Buah Let us learn to recognize letters, recognize numbers, read the name of the fruit and animals, as well as learning to count. This educational game for free, it is suitable for young children, early childhood, and toddlers who are growing to like watching movies Boboboy, UpinIpin, and Masha.
With this game we should learn:
1. Know Your Alphabet Letter
2. Know the Score
3. Know the Name of the Animals
4. Know the Name Fruit
5. Calculate the number of Pets
6. Calculating the amount of fruit
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Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Everyone
Android package:
com.nayakastudio.belajarmembacaberhitungbobo, download Belajar Membaca dan Berhitung.apk