About 2048 Coin
Play 2048 with Japanese Coins,
start from 1 yen,
let's have a try!
Savings is really hard.
Challenge your brain power,
starting from 1 yen, and get the 10,000 yen bill!
Move the coins, and coins with the same value touched, they will merge into one.
1yen + 1yen = 2yen
1yen + 2yen = 3yen
1yen + 3yen = 4yen
1yen + 4yen = 5yen
2yen + 2yen = 4yen
1yen + 4yen = 5yen
5yen + 5yen = 10yen
But if the merged value is more then 5/50/500/5000 they cannot merge into one.
For example 3yen cannot merge with 3yen or 4yen.
Got 10,000 yen bill, and you win!