About 旅行的魔法師: 莉露娜
風停止了, 大地不斷震動, 河水乾枯, 大海平靜的像是海嘯即將襲來的前一刻。
魔法王國遭遇前所未有的災難!原本閃亮甜蜜的生活不再, 花草枯委,快樂都變為淚水,天真的孩子們也不再有笑容。為了找回原有的一切,「莉露娜」出發了!
立志要拯救魔法王國的見習魔法師「莉露娜」,為了找尋危機的真相, 開始了她的旅行。旅途中, 充滿了許多奇妙有趣的故事,但也伴隨著各式各樣的驚險與威脅。讓我們跟著「旅行的魔法師: 莉露娜」的腳步,一起冒險旅行,協助她通過重重的關卡考驗,取得神祕的魔法水晶球與神聖水晶,幫助魔法王國渡過災難!
- 甜蜜、可愛的少女冒險故事。
- 暢遊有如柔軟棉花糖般的魔法世界。
- 移動、組合! 連結智慧與反應的創新玩法。
- 請幫助「莉露娜」找出正確的方向並獲得寶物。
- 數百個變化多端的關卡挑戰,找出正確的道路吧!
- 請在關鍵時刻使用「夢之水晶」,它可指引您從困境中脫離。
提醒您: 本遊戲程式為免費下載及進行遊戲,但是遊戲商城裡的產品包是須以真實貨幣付費的。您可以在 googleplay 帳號設定付費密碼,以管理「應用內商品」的購買行為。 Wind stopped, the earth continues to shake, the river dried up, like the calm before the moment of the sea tsunami about to hit.
Magic Kingdom suffered an unprecedented disaster! Originally shiny sweet life longer, flowers withered Commission, have become tears of joy, innocent children no longer have a smile. In order to recover the original everything, "Li Luna" off!
Determined to save the Magic Kingdom trainee magician "Li Luna", in order to find the truth of the crisis, began her journey. Journey, filled with many wonderful interesting story, but also accompanied by a variety of thrills and threats. Let us follow the "traveling magician: Li Luna 'footsteps, along with adventure travel, help her through numerous checkpoints tests, made sacred mystical magic crystal ball with crystal, to help tide over the disaster Magic Kingdom!
- Sweet, lovely girl adventures.
- Swim like a soft marshmallow-like magic world.
- Mobile, a combination of innovative gameplay link wisdom and reactions!.
- Please Help "Li Luna" to find the right direction and get the treasure.
- Hundreds of checkpoints varied challenge to find the right path now!
- Use "Crystal Dream" at the critical moment, it can guide you out from the predicament.
Remind you: This game program for free download and play the game, but the game store where the product package is required to pay real money. You can pay for your password in googleplay account settings to manage buying behavior "in-app products" is.
by I####: