Mika: Fly Kid for Android
It comes with 3 levels:
Beginners level : the screen is not divided with the possibility to increase or decrease the velocity of the player.
Professionals level : this level makes the game more challenging and fun, the screen is divided into two pieces and you can increase or decrease the velocity of the player.
Inhumans level : to make the game more challenging for the geek gamers we create a third mode where the screen is divided into four pieces and as always you can easily control the velocity of the player.
Features :
AdMob Integration (Banner and Interstitial).
Very easy to customize and reskin.
Sound effects.
Custom graphics.
Clear graphics at all screen resolutions.
Comes with 3 levels (Beginners, Professionals and Inhumans).
Switch the sound ON/OFF button.
Pause/resume the game while playing.
Returns home button.
Rate game button.
Developed for android using the Libgdx library.
Store the high score for each level mode.