Угадай Стримера for Android
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Для коммерческих вопросов: max-moralez@yandex.ru
Поддержите нас: qiwi: +79199801686 yandexmoney: 410013468965509
With this game, you learn to guess the famous streamers on any fragment. Yes Yes! You heard right, you will interfere in otgadka squares. The more you open squares - the less you will get coins. If you do not know the correct answer - use tips for coins (they can earn passing levels and watching videos, so as to share with your friends this game). Evaluate the game, consult friends and compete who is more guesses!Good luck in passing.
For commercial issues: max-moralez@yandex.ru
Support us: qiwi: +79199801686 yandexmoney: 410013468965509