About 蛙蛙真人斗地主2
QQ 客服号码:403902135
客服邮箱: cs@wawagame.hk
中国客服电话: (+86) 400-680-1212
香港客服电话: (+852) 8100 3440 China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and four places of hundreds of thousands of players simultaneously fighting for real-time networking, a machine in hand, anytime, anywhere to enjoy the stirring reality Landlords experience! Definitely is an inevitable choice for online games, the majority of users from worries about the loneliness, emptiness no longer guarantee you people are crazy to play! Since then, global Landlords!
Contact information:
WeChat subscription number: WW075582871499 (frog game)
QQ customer service number: 403 902 135
Customer Service Email: cs@wawagame.hk
China Customer Service Phone: (+86) 400-680-1212
Hong Kong Customer Service Tel: (+852) 81003440