About Zavarovalničar
Naročnik igre je Slovensko zavarovalno združenje.
Igra Zavarovalničar nas postavi v svet zavarovalništva. Predstavi se nam novopečeni zavarovalničar, ki želi postati najboljši od vseh. Njegov cilj je, da bi se pridružil Slovenskemu zavarovalnemu združenju, vendar pa si mora za to pridobiti dovolj zaupanja. Za pridobitev zaupanja, mora skleniti zadosti uspešnih kupčij.
Tako nas igra postavi v trenutek, ko gre zavarovalničar domov, k stranki, da bi se pogovoril in sklenil zavarovanje. Ko sklene zavarovanje, takoj dobi nekaj denarcev, ki so denarna enota v igri. Da je zavarovanje čim bolj uspešno, mora obvarovati stranko skozi več različnih situacij. Če mu to ne uspe, mora vrniti nekaj denarja stranki, za vsako neuspešno opravilo.
V igri imamo možnost igrati v več situacijah:
-pogasiti hišo(protipožarno zavarovanje)
-zgraditi protipoplavni zid(protipoplavno zavarovanje)
-rešiti otroka pred padcem(nezgodno zavarovanje)
-rešiti avto pred nesrečo(avtomobilsko zavarovanje)
-bonus situacija(tveganje zavarovalničarjev)
Igra po naših dosedajšnjih testiranjih zaenkrat deluje le na napravah z android KitKat(4.4+), vendar pa mogoče deluje tudi na redkih napravah z android Honeycomb(3.2+) Ice Cream Sandwich(4.0+) ali Jelly Bean(4.1+). vendar to ni zagotovljeno. Client game, the Slovenian Insurance Association.
Game Allstate puts us into the world of insurance. Introduce us fledgling Allstate, who wants to become the best of all. His goal is to join the Slovenian Insurance Association, but you must obtain sufficient confidence. To obtain the trust must take sufficiently successful bargains.
Thus, our game placed in the moment when it comes Allstate, home to the client in order to discuss and insurance. When you take out insurance as soon as get some dough for monetary unit in the game. In order to guarantee the best possible performance, it must protect the client through a number of different situations. If he does not succeed, he must return some money from the client for each failed task.
In the game we have a chance to play in several situations:
extinguish naked house (fire insurance)
-zgraditi flood wall (flood insurance)
-Save child from falling (accident insurance)
-Save car before the accident (car insurance)
-bonus situation (risk zavarovalničarjev)
The game according to our tests dosedajšnjih currently only works on devices with android KitKat (4.4+), but can also act on the few devices with Android Honeycomb (3.2+) Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0+) or Jelly Bean (4.1+). but this is not guaranteed.
by M####: