Art of Conquest (AoC) for Android
A great game and I can't wait to see were it will go in the future. My only issue is that the random encounters and bosses thought the map don't seem to respawn. I think that if they did it would make progressing through the game easier and also let you use your heros more often by getting potions
I love this game great concept and easy to play play and understand. I don't like how the hero stamina depletes. I feel like that needs to be changed since you can only attack when your hero had stamina other then that the game is great. Game play is very fair and balanced in my opinion.
I have to say that i love this game, a unique blend of rpg and rts. I have a few feedbacks id like to convey, and i only know this place, so here i go. Unit balance themselves are already decent, i only have qualms with hero ability balance. Seems they dont scale well from level to level. I suggest instead of having fixed values depending on points invested, maybe have these points only bump up some sort of base value(like damage) and each time the hero levels up, these values get increased by a percentage proportional to their level, like lets say 5% per level. That way hero ability goes well with the army combat, working in synergy, instead of overpowering it at times. Well i hope this feedback could be of use to the devs. Thanks for the game :)
Regeneration is horrible in this game. Pay to play game 99$ just to get a brand new character is ridiculous. There is so much servers in this game, it would be better if you guys only had 10 maximum. The old servers die off too quick and with this many server its even worse.
Strictly a game for the wallet warriors after the June 5 changes. In game premium currency, linari, is now virtually worthless. Energy system is seriously flawed (well documented in reviews). City capture system is just stupid - first guy to simply click on it after someone else defeats the last inhabitant gets it. Rank system makes the last 2 ranks virtually unattainable for most players. Their monthly $5 patron package is now just a waste of money. Only way to get more than the same 6 heroes everyone else has now is spend $100 on each. So you get a handful of guys doing that on each server and they can do whatever they want. They keep launching new servers because guys willing to spend like that want to start in the lead. Very disappointing. Hundreds of players paying $5 Patron monthly in perpetuity on each server seems more productive in the long run than 5 players each paying $500 once but they'll rake in a lot of cash in the short term before the vast majority of freemium game players simply refuse to play and it dies.
It dumb how u need to move out of dunwulf to preced in the game. But when u go looking for place every place is filled and you cant move out. Which means i cant preced getting new troops or anything. Bc im stuck in dunwulf. Fix that pls
This game is surprisingly addicting. I thought I wasn't going to be playing long, but it got me hook ASAP I keep coming back. Good job! Just fix the stamina issues and it would be even better! No one wants to wait for one stamina every 2 hours!
First off I love the battle mechanics and the fairness to f2p players. But the game is getting slightly boring. like if there was a little event every so often that gave players an incentive to attack each other. Also I have an idea for another race you guys could implement in the game.
Okay game is fine with graphics and controls but I can't help but wonder.. is this game pay to play? If it is I'm quitting but if it's not I'm gonna stay. This game has potential to become even greater than what it is right now but as I progress it seems very pay to play. I mean 2 hours for 1 energy? That's just 1 battle I mean what the heck!? Also I want to change kingdom because my current kingdom is getting dominated.. like just 1 time switch Hope you hear me out
AoC suffers from massive server jumping because no one ever seems to be happy with their kingdom's territories. The solution? Allow neutral territories to be transfered between kingdoms. It's that simple. Then players would stay in their current server and continue to rival other kingdoms. But the way this game is setup now, once a neutral territory is claimed by a kingom it's their forever. At that point we have no choice but to jump to a new server and try again. So why invest money in a server that will be abandoned by the majority of players? AoC server stability requires the ability to attack AND transfer neutral territories between kingdoms. Until they fix this problem you may want to think twice about investing any money in a soon to be skeleton server. Other than that it is a fun game to play.
Great game but i never got to choose my house or hero at the begging because the game crashed but i guess i cant complian becasue its a pretty great game for free. But i have reccently had a problem, you see a created a group called SniperCats and somebody took away my leadership of the group. I would not be so upset if that wasnt the group were all of my friends are in.
I want to like this game however, I find it somewhat confusing. Like there is no real purpose or guidance. I am left to figure everything out on my own. I guess a tutorial would have been nice, granted there's quests but they really don't help much...or maybe I haven't got that far(but again I have no way of knowing lol)...idk.
How do I restore my account? I accidentally reset my account. Things that I purchase is also gone. I want to get back to my old account please do something. I don't have facebook but my game name is CHAN and I'm the house leader of LEGENDARY. I also purchase patron and I want them back. When can I have my old account?
Excellent game some of the most fun ive ever had playing a mobile game. Its very addicting has a nice learning curve but you will be shaken up a bit when youre first introduced to the online part of the game. chat is generally very friendly and helpful ask any question it will probably be answered.
Alltough great game - Race change system is really badly designed. I can still get having to reaserch again, even that i have to buy ALL the troops again, but what use do i have from Avalon's archer mastery and what the hell i am seposed to do with Vega as Lich? Game breaks as soon as one changes race.. deleted
Pros: Awesome Game. 3 races for now. Lots of different ways to play. 6 Heroes with different abilities. Recommended. Cons: Biggest con is Cost $99.99 USD for another hero! As you open game you choose a hero and are locked to that choice before you even play the game. Mage Tank or Commander. Energy recharge is slow but I can see why it is there.
Game is horribly unbalanced, it focuses on PvP however when one faction gets ahead there is no beating them. They have more cities which gives them access to more resources and more dungeons. More dungeons gives them access to tech boost, which makes them progress faster than you. All the while people on the losing factions lose morale and quit. The enemy continues to advance faster than you while having fewer players quit due to them winning and it continues to snowball from there.
I love this game, I paid the one dollar for the monthly premium feature, and the currency you give daily is nice, but maybe make the store more expansive? Like adding 1 hour speed up or troop buffs or something we can actually spend it on besides healing troops. Other than that awesome game.
This game is honestly the best game I've ever downloaded! The begging is really fun and so many things to do always a challenge and build your own castle and get new hero's, love it!
Great game. Very addicting. I kind of wish all races were available. Not a big fan about restarting all technology just to switch when it does become available and the heroes to purchase are way too expensive. But other than that definitely worth the download
Great at first but... Not much to keep you interested after the first week. You'll collect all the heroes (except for maybe 1) and explore the whole map. After that the game kinda dies. It's a great game with many aspects, but feels like a "skeleton" of a game, like it's not fully finished. Has a lot of potential though... Also, as everyone else has started, energy needs to come back faster. I very much like the concept of this game though, maybe I'll come back in a year when more content has been added
What's the point of keep hosting new servers? If you think there are overcrowded and impacting the server performance, up grade your hardware, or once player change real, delete/remove the old one, then you can really tell how much real players. It's called mmo, not putting just 10 or 20 active players into a new server. With losing players everyday, you will regret your in game investment!!!
How much more do you want us to spend. The thought of spending a couple of hundred for linares and not having enough speed ups is by itself a problem. Now there's a stamina issue with which heroes you can use or should use for either PVP or to farm... there's just isnt enough for anything... Like fix this... how money hungry are you devs
One of the best strategy games to be found in my humble opinion. The game has Heroes of M&M feel to it with real time battles. Hope they implement those two new races soon.
To start, the game itself is pretty good but one thing they need to add is more multiplayer stuff. Like being able to fight together to take down raid bosses or enemy cities (meaning it will be one battle rather than both attacking the same thing separately). Also I would recommend increasing the boss's difficulty. Other than the bad energy system the game is great.
was nothing like the game promised from adds posted to youtube and facebook and other sights which some developers have gotten really handy about using other games gameplay. which leaves me wondering what the game they riped off is so i can play that instead. it leftbme feeling cheated and i will never download this game again.
I was playing heroes 3 port on my tablet when I went looking for similar game. It starts out good but hero energy is depleted quick. This could be a nightmare at higher level and it looks like recharging takes forever. Potion shops are always sold out and for over 2 hours I can't make another move...
Game stops responding often making it unplayable. Overall, I can say it's a bad game. The primary problem is players can repeatedly overpower you if you aren't on top of the gameplay.
This game is beautifully made but I find no use Linari, maybe you could expand the store to where we can buy resources or Items that way we get use out of them because right now there not very useful, these are suggestions that I'm pretty sure other people have. Other than that one thing this game is amazing.
The game is fun, but it may only last for one week. Energy system is terrible and also you need to pay $100 for an additional hero, or you could only use 6 hereoes until you quit. This make me think this company just wants to grab money. You pay, you get stronger and you win. Free players will only be losers in this game condition. Moreover, my phone is really hot and I think this game may hurt my phone.
The problem with the game is that they keep making new servers. There's about 60 servers already. People keep leaving the old servers to gain a starter advantage if they fall behind. New players don't want to join old servers for the same reason. So most servers are dead within 3 weeks. All the time and investment you put into the game will be obselete. Do not impulsively purchase anything with money or you'll regret it.
Pay to win; like most of these games. Come and get destroyed constantly by paying players 3 to 5 time stronger then you without any way to avoid it. Feel the satisfaction of being farmed by Kevin who put a 100 $ to get a single hero that can single handed put your all army to shame. Enjoy seeing troops he bought that you'll be able to build in 10 days... That is if you manage to save some resources from him. Oh the fun we have.
Extremely limiting gameplay. Your hero regains 1 energy every 2 hours, essentially only allowing you to preform 12 battles in a full day, without the use of potions. Ridiculous limit
Been looking for a good game for a wile now! 10/10 I'm addicted to this game! Love the hero lvl system and troop lvl system, resourse collection for some are iffy but still good!
It has some great positives, but some serious flaws. Seems the PvP aspect is bogged down and the connection with other players across countries have caused some bogus results. The fact people of higher power level can bully newer players in brutal as well...takes the whole fun out of adventuring into new territories when power trip try-hards can force you back to your capital.
This a 5 Star game yet the game is broken I can't play my warrior's are dead no potion to bring them back. Yes their a few locations with potion yet can't get them when my warrior's are dead. The game has great potential yet the potion system is broken.
you should make it possible to rechange kingdoms if wanted and geographical regions also. Because I chose athaly and now I want hyral and I dont want to lose my progress by chosing another realm. So make it possible to chose the kingdom I want whenever I want
The problem with heroes running out of energy is definitely a real thing. I understand there are items around the map to boost the heroes' energy, but there just isnt enough of them for the rate a normal player expands at.
Honestly this game is fun until you start to actually build up your army because then you attack and bam your troops got injured well take a few hours before they can heal or get attacked and spend the whole day healing your troops but if you get attacked in the process of healing well too bad gotta start over and take another day trying to heal. maintaining your troops in this game after you get to castle lvl 10 and 11 is ridiculously time consuming. There is also the fact that you can attack or be attacked repeatedly in a matter of minutes by the same person and lets not talk about the fact you can only build one building at a time with no chance to increase that number honestly almost everything in this game takes too long to do but if you dont mind that its a fantastic game with good graphics and fairly easy controls
by K####:
Really enjoyable game, been playing for like 1 week, I think it needs to have a sell or fuse button for items mostly equipment. I have to many repeat of green equipment too many, I'm pretty sure most people have it as well. It would be nice to be able to exchange them for some gold, mana, or wood. Or maybe even the two resources that can only be farmed in the mines mithril and Bloodstone. Just a suggestion.