About Super Shiva Feat Ladusing
Adalah sebuah game yang di ambil dari film kartun yang tayang di ANTV. Kini Shiva di wakili oleh Ladusing berusaha membasmi semua monster yang ingin mrnguasai bumi. Ayo bantu Ladusing berjuang membasmi kejahatan.
Didukung dengan Grafik kualitas HD. Game yang mudah dimainkan, penuh tantangan, dan tentunya sangat mudah untuk dimainkan.
Is a game taken from the cartoons that aired on ANTV. Now Shiva is represented by Ladusing trying to root out all the monsters who want to dominate the earth. Let's help Ladusing fight against crime.
Supported with HD quality graphics. Games that are easy to play, full of challenges, and of course very easy to play.
Equipped with features so the game becomes very easy to play.
1. The buttons are very easy on the touch,
2. Display screen with HD quality.
3. There are 4 worlds that we can open by collecting coins,
4. Off line,
5.Music is nice to hear
6. And many more other advantages.
Come on download soon !!!
Dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur sehingga game menjadi sangat mudah dimainkan.
1. Tombol yang sangat mudah di sentuh,
2. Tampilan layar dengan kualitas HD.
3. Ada 4 dunia yang dapat kita buka dengan mengumpulkan koin,
4. Off line,
5.Musik yang enak didengar
6. Dan masih banyak lagi kelebihan lainnya.
Ayo download segera!!! Is a game that takes the cartoon that aired at the quiz. Shiva is now represented by Ladusing tried to exterminate all the monsters who want mrnguasai earth. Come help eradicate crime fighting Ladusing.
Supported by Graphics HD quality. Games are easy to play, challenging, and certainly very easy to play.
Is a game taken from the cartoons that aired on the quiz. Now Shiva is represented by Ladusing trying to root out all the monsters who want to dominate the earth. Let's help Ladusing fight against crime.
Supported with HD quality graphics. Games that are easy to play, full of challenges, and of course very easy to play.
Equipped with features so the game Becomes very easy to play.
1. The buttons are very easy on the touch,
2. Display screen with HD quality.
3. There are four worlds that we can open by collecting coins,
4. Off line,
5.Music is nice to hear
6. And many more other advantages.
Come on download soon !!!
Equipped with features so that the game becomes very easy playability.
1. The keys are very easy to touch,
2. Display screen with HD quality.
3. There are four world can we go to collect coins,
4. Off line,
5.Musik catchy
6. And many other advantages.
Come download immediately !!!