Kaduceus App for Android
Answers are so close together that it's next to impossible to only hit one answer. So even though I know the answer it's being marked wrong. I just started playing with this app about 15 minutes ago and I have already found one incorrect answer. The generic for Tylenol is acetaminophen (APAP), Not acetaminophen with codeine.
It would probably be great if I could login :(
Leaderboards are wack. Need to make a leaderboard for current students and move the graduated students to an all time leaderboard. Drug list 5 is buggy
Lucky Charm
by C####:
You can cheat it. If you get the wrong answer you can click the right answer and get the 5 points and get a net gain of 3 points. Its hard to tell if anyone cheated or not on the leaderboards. Also my class is learning 10 at a time and not entire categories at a time so I kinda feel like I waste my time compared to the earlier program where I could do it one at a time. Also we have to learn drug classifications and uses which they should add an option to ask questions about what the drug is used for or what its class is and have different leaderboards or point categories.