About 美女与棍子
这是一位楚楚动人的窈窕淑女,在寻找她的白马王子。寻找的过程中她要历尽千辛万苦、需要上刀山下火海,这 时需要一个正在懂得怜香惜玉的英雄来为她排除万难。
[Game Background]
This is a lovely My Fair Lady, looking for her Prince Charming. Looking to her during an arduous journey, we need a knife foot flames, which are needed to understand Lianxiangxiyu a hero to overcome all difficulties for her.
(This is a popular global game)
Play super simple, you want to cross the border was not easy. Wise you will Outrageous!
(In the game there will be surprises, and so you dig oh)