Kuis Anak SD for Android
Perhatikan baik-baik pertanyaan yang kami tampilkan.
Akan akan ada 1 kolom jawaban.
Isi dengan jawaban yang benar sesuai dengan petunjuk gambar.
Semua jawaban di game kuis ini satu kata.
Ajak juga teman kamu untuk memainkan game cerdas pintar ini, agar lebih asyik dan kumpulkan poin sebanyak-banyaknya.
Buktikan kalau kamu adalah siswa yang cerdas dan pintar.
Ayo mainkan sekarang!
SD Kids Quiz is a game that we created specifically to hone skills general knowledge of elementary school children. For those of you that have the child still in elementary school this application is perfect.Look carefully at the questions that we show.
1 column will be no answer.
Fill it with the correct answer according to the instructions of the image.
All answers in this quiz game one word.
Also invite your friends to play the game smart this smart, to make it more fun and collect as many points.
Prove that you are smart and intelligent students.
Let's play now!