About Teka Teki Sulit TTS
Teka Teki Sulit ini adalah semacam Teka Teki Silang versi Sulit (Plesetan) melatih kecerdasan anda berfikir diluar kebiasaan tetapi tetap masih masuk nalar.
- Penghilang stress atau malah menambah stress
- Pengisi waktu luang
- Mengusir bosan
- Berfikir out of the box
- Melatih otak biar tidak kram
- Cobalah berfikir dengan alur logika model Cak Lontong, Jangan berfikir lempeng/normal/ standard.
Cak Lontong adalah komedian yg suka berbelit belit dalam menjelaskan sesuatu tetapi kalau dipikir pikir benar juga alasannya.
Lontong menjadi istilah untuk orang yg menyebalkan tetapi benar.
- Ohhh jika anda stress saat baru mulai, sabar dan jangan putus asa, terus mencoba, atau manfaatkan Hint (Bantuan)!
Seperti TTS (Teka teki silang) cara bermain, isi kotak kotak kosong dengan abjad sesuai pertanyaannya. Jika tidak ada ide/ buntu silakan manfaatkan bantuan (Hint).
Dalam sekali permainan TTS (Teka teki sulit) ini, hanya diperbolehkan maksimum sesuai saldo hints Anda.
Untuk menambah hints, siapkan sebelum awal permainan dengan menonton video ads reward untuk menambah 2 hints point saldo Anda.
Hint terdiri dari Hint 1 huruf (mengurangi 1 point hint) dan Hint 1 kalimat (mengurangi 5 point hint).
Terinspirasi dari acara NetTV, WIB yang dibawakan oleh Cak Lontong. Difficult Puzzles This is a sort of crossword puzzles Hard version (Pun) train your intelligence to think outside the box but still senseless.
- Removal of stress or even add stress
- Fillers spare time
- Getting rid of boredom
- Thinking out of the box
- Train the brain though not cramp
- Try to think with logic flow Lontong Cak models, do not think the plates / normal / standard.
Cak Lontong is a comedian who like beating around the bush in describing things but in retrospect think it is also true reason.
Rice cake becomes a term for people who sucks but it's true.
- Ohhh if you are stressed when a new start, be patient and do not give up, keep trying, or take advantage of Hint (Help)!
Such as TTS (Crosswords) how to play, the contents of the box empty box with alphabetically according to the question. If no ideas / deadlocked please take advantage of assistance (Hint).
In a game of crossword (puzzle difficult), the maximum permitted only appropriate balance your hints.
To add hints, set up before the start of the game by watching the video ads to add 2 hints reward your balance point.
Hint hint consists of one letter (subtract 1 point hint) and Hint 1 sentences (subtract 5 points hint).
Inspired by NetTV event, hosted by Cak pm Lontong.
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