Infinity Knights: Nonstop idle RPG! for Android
rubbish app worked for a day at best, then gives network errors.. both on 100% LTE signal and ISDN connection.
Same login error as everyone else has reported. Your app doesn't need all that access to my phone. Quite liked the game, but it's literally unplayable as is. One star and uninstalling.
forgot to rate it the first time i played it. Would have been 5 stars. For the past few weeks, i keep getting network error or communication error. Its a cute and fun game but it needs to fix this issue soon.
I played it once downloaded, but today it won't log in and keep on saying no connection while I'm using wifi which I'm so not pleased with it.. Please do something about it
Played once, enjoyed it a lot. Tried to play again and now it doesn't let me logon since two days...
Can no longer play.. says network connection error
Can't connect
The graphic is so bad and the UI is so confusing, cant compared with 'dragon friends'. But at least i found something in common, so many bugs; no sound at all, cant equip item, cant open new quest, skill wont work, etc.
It wants access to my contacts and to take video and sound recordings. Then says communication error and closes.
I cant play anymore and ive uninstalled reinstalled and it says error connection error and i have stable internet this all happened 3 days ago
I like the game but how do you change characters in your party?
Constant unable to connect
Loving it
제 폰의 언어설정이 영어라서, 이번에 패치적용후 자동적으로 영어로 바꼈는데, 글자들이 서로 겹치고 난리 났네요. 조속히 조치를! 메리 크리스마스
폰 설정이 영어라 게임이 영어로 나오는데 난리도 이런 난리가 없네요 한국어 언어변경 가능하게 해주세요
환생기사단을 정말 재밌게 플레이하고 있는 사람입니다. 그런데 어제 패치 이후에 접속을 해보니 모든 파티원들 레벨은 1이 되어있고 골드는 -억 단위 이상으로 떨어져있었습니다. 어차피 곧 환생시킬거여서 별 상관은 없지만 그래도 조금 찝찝해서 문의드려봅니다. 항상 감사합니다 :)
Above everything else pointed out about this game.. the icon has an arrow.but no bowstring!! so infuriating that this has been overlooked and it drives my ocd up the wall
이런 게임 처음 해 봤는데 생각보다 완전 재미있네
by U####:
Never received any of my floor rewards. All I received was a healer that doesnt even heal. Bugged hero, and a bugged game.