火鳳燎原大戰港澳三國版 for Android
i was lv 23 . but I got restart hp in game on. because low bet..then I start on my hp. and start a game I got crash game even cant login.. I has 4 rare card in there. Its disaponted
搞笑,點人嚟play store去更新,點知play store未有得更新。
Paid hkd700 but didnt get what was promised. Very disappointed.
Where is the uodate?
No updates for years
一直卡在”在载入中” . 玩不到
Plx fix the bugs
Have been trying to login since yesterday. What's the problem with this game?
Installed,run it but waited like 15 mins and still showing initial loading screen. Waste my time.
若你自問忍耐力驚人,快來參加GameOne 大考驗,不斷創新的bug, 日複日的斷線, 包你有無限挑戰! 血壓高,心臟病患者下載前請3思! GameOne, 你對得住陳某嗎?你無heart做唔好做壞人個title!!
Cannot log in
我都只设一将吧了也还不能进化。请处理.真是悲哀,只会出新东西, 已懂的进化问题也不处理好。我都73级只放1废将在防,材料都有了也不能进化5*将,害我遇到同等的有1~2个6*将都打不过,而且其他20多级的玩家都能用到6*将。亏我还花了那麽多钱,真是扫我兴趣。买再多的将也没用
Cant believe half of time the server is down. With so unstable game states cant image anyone would like to spend real time and money on it.
这个游戏好玩是好玩 但是是我第一次发现我在一个网线极强的地方也会断线的游戏也是唯一一个 而且发现到这个游戏很爱吃体力 要么就是扣体力让你断线不让你进战场 要么打完了断线不给奖励 那么我觉得你们该考虑断线后保留战场 上线继续打 像神魔和逆转三国那种 这样就不至于每天断线都会浪费体力 anyway 我有时也是觉得你们在搞鬼 你们试试玩有这种漏洞的游戏你应该会明白我现在的心情 是他妈的不爽
Nice game for fan of the series overall. Just a note tho...i always buy my ingots with my debit card via google play...but since 1st Jan 2015 everytime i try to buy, the game doesn't load to the google play screen & says purchase failed. Is this a bug in your system? Kindly fix....thx. New players plz key in 114,077,690 for special rewards!!
好玩! 邀請碼: 140 357 464. Have a head start over the rest! Free gold! 請加我!
邀请 137089106
一直卡在”在载入中” . 玩不到
After the new update, all the previous data gone. I previously made purchase n all those cards are now gone. Please help
靠一张孙策一直打到现在再也抽不到别的好的五星神将,到底还给不给人玩啊? 101,301,775
Problem cannot play
但可否令全自動ai 聰明少少, 甘寧每次狙擊射衝鋒緊既騎兵, 張遼開左硤道突圍就企定定同人亂戰, 仲要較左2個技能密度高都成日100士氣唔出技...搞到我半自動頭十但全自動50都無...
為甚么每次連線不著, 體力依然會被扣? 重試連線唔掂後我已經退出,why you still cut the life points?!
好玩! 邀請碼: 140 357 464. Have a head start over the rest! Free gold! 請加我!
Nice concept. Just need to wait very long for the energy to recharge. Not very catchy.
by Y####: