LingLing Learn English for Android
Such a pity. This is probably the most fun language learning tool there is. It could be revolutionary if only it were created by actual language experts. But sadly it's deeply flawed in many ways. The translations are very sloppy indeed and many are straight up wrong. You are not taught the most important words first, and some not at all, while many words it teaches are incredibly obscure or pointless. You do not know whether you are learning the noun, verb version of a word etc or given any other information you might need to know about the proper usage of the word. You WILL NOT learn thousands of words like you are promised, so don't waste your money on buying the whole word package. Soon enough you won't even find time to rehearse the growing word list it gives you daily, many of which are wrong or pointless, and certainly not to play the game part of the app (which doesn't count towards your mandatory rehearsal for some reason). And there's no cloud backup, so when you change your phone all your progress is GONE and you will have to start again :(
I liked it very much and hopefully didn't buy more words packages, because now I wouldn't be able to even use them. Hope it will be fixed soon.
Dzieki tej aplikacji w miesiac nauczylem sie slowek wiecej niz przez 9 lat nauki w szkole :-) Jednoczesnie jest jeden blad ktory moglibyscie poprawic Jak wyjde z apki a potem chce do niej wrocic, to jest blad I wylacza sie trezba wtedy ponownie uruchomic. Fajnie by bylo jakbyscie to poprawili
I need malay
App is best for me. Thanks you so much
Bnde de var ama kardesim oynuyor cok yararli
Doesn't work! Samsung tab 3
Le doi a jugar y se me queda pillado
I'm waiting a solution 4 months ago. It's an inefficient customer service, not attend at mail contact!!!
I liked it very much and hopefully didn't buy more words packages, because now I wouldn't be able to even use them. Hope it will be fixed soon.
The new up not work in my phone (samsung galaxy a5)
wish it wasn't so funny loll but it is an awesome app great job
Le doi a jugar y se me queda pillado
Przyciski sa nie aktywne
Descargar el duolingo es mucho mejor, es cómo yo aprender español, pero yo se yo necesitó más práctica jajaja
The app stop
Unfortunately no context teaching
Very helpful. I work a lot and thanks to this app I can find couple minutes to practice.
It's impossible manage the APP... Please I can't do anything, I'm waiting some solution about 2 months!!!
Now only i download this will tell the feed back later
Aprendes mucho vocabulario. Me encanta. Hace poco añadieron una pizarra donde apuntar las cosas. Un gran acierto.
Swietny prodram xxx
To download next vocabularies is free but that lie we must pay to get it. Please repair again. I am waiting fot that.
Not bad
App is best for me. Thanks you so much
All they do is spam. Bad business.
Really good to improve your vocabulary with a lot of advanced words
Unfortunately I didn't even get a chance to update settings and already go like 5 pop up ads, so I got annoyed and now uninstalling! Should change the name for click the ad.
Rewelacyjna aplikacja idealnie mobilizuje do nauki sama o sobie przypomina gdy zapominamy o powtorkach, bardzo polecam nie znajdziecie lepszej apki do nauki jezykow Najlepsza Rewelacyjna aplikacja idealnie mobilizuje do nauki sama o sobie przypomina gdy zapominamy o powtorkach, bardzo polecam nie znajdziecie lepszej apki do nauki jezykow
Simply, the best!
Amazing application. I recommend to everybody.
So gooooooooooooooooooooood
Its super cool
It helps me a lot thankyou!
The best apps for learn english
I like this because I love cartoon
by N####:
Игра зависла. Нет возможности не выбрать персонажа, не начать учить слова. Играет музыка шевелится котик, но ты не чего сделать не можешь. Баг а не игра. Удалила. П. С. С телефоном все в порядке, он мощные игры тянет и не зависает