SuperUnick for Android
Superunick, el superheroe que lo pega todo gracias a sus poderes:
1. VELOCIDAD ULTRASÓNICA- Superunick repara cualquier objeto al instante
2. PRECISIÓN DE ALTA DEFINICIÓN- Superunick actúa eficazmente con precisión consiguiendo uniones perfectas.
3. FUERZA DESCOMUNAL- Superunick aguanta hasta 260 kg/cm2
4. MÁXIMA RESISTENCIA- Superunick resiste al agua caliente, humedad, golpes y vibraciones.
Helps repair SUPERUNICK all objects in each room in the house. With the help of your accuracy and Superceys, will repair broken items in seconds and have fun beating all 10 levels of the game.Superunick, the superhero who hits all thanks to his powers:
1. SPEED ULTRASONIC-Superunick instantly repairs any object
Two. PRECISION HIGH DEFINITION-Superunick acts effectively getting perfect joints accurately.
Three. Superunick uncommon strength-supports up to 260 kg/cm2
April. MAXIMUM STRENGTH-Superunick hot water resistant, humidity, shock and vibration.