About Sr. Jim!
Welcome to Sr. Jim!
★ Little history:
Somewhere, someday a man that like eat a lot of cupcakes, suddenly catch a compulsive cupcake eating disorder which did the levels of sugar in his body become high and have a strange reaction, as a result he began have hallucinations like see every person as a monster and all pets as ducks and worst start get no control on their legs, making him bouncing for every place he goes.
★ Objectives of the game:
◇ Make more points you can get.
◇ Keep Sr. Jim alive.
◇ Hug the ducks (or maybe not).
◇ Have fun.
★ Gameplay tips:
◇ For you can control Sr. Jim you need to move forwards and jump in the corners of objects for make him flip over.
◇ For kill enemies when you jump move forwards or backward to balance Sr. Jim and then shoot.
◇ Is not so hard as looks, keep playing and you get it fast :)
Compatible with Everyplay!
Note: We love to know what we can improve ; )
Thank you for support us by playing this, please email us with any feedback for the email in the bottom.
by R####:
Great creativity and innovation, awesome playstyle!