Dung de tien roi for Android
Giong nhu mot gameshow mini, Dung de tien roi phien ban mobile la mot tro choi duoc nhieu nguoi yeu thich voi cach choi don gian, khong he kho voi nhung ai thich trai nghiem va kham pha!
Mo ta:
- Ban se duoc trao ngay 100M khi tham gia lan dau va co 3 moc dat cuoc cho ban chinh phuc: 20M, 40M, 80M.
- Ban se chien thang neu vuot qua 8 cau hoi voi cac linh vuc thu vi.
- Phan thuong ban nhan duoc la so tien con lai va 1 lan quay Lucky Box hap dan!
- Shop do phong phu cung ;a noi ban nen ghe qua de lam phong phu tai khoan cua minh.
- Game co tinh nang xep hang va chia se tren facebook, ban hay cung ban be so tai.
Chuc ban choi vui ve!!!
Like a mini gameshow, whip used to predict the mobile version is a game that many people don your favorite playing time, not difficult, anyone who loves to experience and explore!
- You will be given immediate 100M joining head and neck 3 moc spread betting board slugging: 20M, 40M, 80M.
- Ban will win if exceeded 8 question with more interesting field.
- The reward you get is the amount left turns and 1 Lucky Box attractive spread!
- Shop by style elaborate bow, a place to boat over to enrich his account.
- Games that feature ranking and shared on facebook, board or with friends over the ears.
Wish you have fun !!!
by O####:
Such a rip off game