Tic Tac Toe for Android
★ Features:
★ Tic Tac Toe Pro:
1. No ads involve.
2. 4 x 4 & 5 x 5 Boards are unlocked.
3. Requires Android 2.0 and up.
4. Smaller App size.
★ Play:
1. One Player (In One Player, you can play with android and make the high scores to beat android.)
2. Two Player (In Two Player, you can play with your friends and make the high scores to beat your friends.)
★ Levels Difficulty:
1. Easy
2. Medium
3. Hard
★ Rounds:
1. 5
2. 10
3. 15
★ Boards:
1. Board 3 x 3
2. Board 4 x 4
3. Board 5 x 5
★ Game Mode:
1. Normal
2. Blind (where you can't see your opponent moves also called Blind Tic Tac Toe)
★ High Scores:
1. You can see your scores of both one player and two player with full nice graphics and with swipe views.
★ Category:
1. Boy
2. Girl
★ Supports up to 7" Tablets
★ Supports up to 10" Tablets
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