Amnesia: Memories Premium

Amnesia: Memories Premium$9.99

Rated 4.74/5 (358) —  Free Android application by NIFTY Corporation

About Amnesia: Memories Premium

The Premium Edition, which includes all the scenarios, as well as the new one, is available at $22.99. (It costs $21.86 less than buying all the episodes using the Standard Edition)

It is the 1st of August.
Upon awakening, you find yourself without any memories from before August 1st. Everything, from the sort of life you lived to the relationships you had, is a complete blank.
A young boy named Orion appears in front of you, revealing himself to be a spirit attached to your mind. Under Orion's guidance, you begin the struggle to regain your memories...

Blunt ∙ Earnest < Heart >
Shin (VA: Tetsuya Kakihara)
Your childhood friend and current boyfriend. He is only 18 years old, but has a very serious and cold demeanor that frequently causes conflicts with others his age. Oftentimes, he appears aloof and indifferent, but he is actually very affectionate and cares deeply for you. He is a senior in high school, and is currently preparing for university entrance exams. He is also Toma's childhood friend.

Alluring ∙ Fascinating < Spade >
Ikki (VA: Kisho Taniyama)
Ikki has a unique condition that causes women to become enamored with him upon sight. He is 22 years old and is currently enrolled in a nearby university. Having given up on a genuine relationship, he lives the life of a playboy, indulging in the transient pleasures it brings. However, he becomes very close to you after he discovers his “eyes” have no effect on your emotions toward him. Despite his looks and popularity, Ikki is really a kind and sincere man. He is a good friend of Kent’s, a graduate student who attends the same university.

Cool ∙ Logical < Clover >
Kent (VA: Akira Ishida)
A highly intelligent, 25-year-old mathematics graduate student, Kent sees the world from a purely objective point of view. He is normally very confident in his convictions and in the results of his relentless analysis of others; however, it seems as if he is unable to maintain the same composure when he is around you. His tendency to logically dissect every action makes him a difficult companion, especially among females. He is a good friend of Ikki’s, who competes with him in solving overly complex math puzzles.

Affectionate ∙ Intense < Diamond >
Toma (VA: Satoshi Hino)
Toma is a 20-year-old law student at the university you both attend. Being your oldest friend from childhood, he has naturally assumed the role of your big brother. Toma has always kept an eye on you from a close distance, and takes on the responsibility of caring for you after you collapse on the road outside of your apartment. His desire to protect you is extremely strong, to the point that his mental state can become unpredictable... He is also a childhood friend of Shin’s.

Mysterious ∙ Enigmatic < Joker >
Ukyo (VA: Kouki Miyata)
A strange young man who appears unexpectedly. He gives you mysterious warnings, and disappears again without explanation. Whether he wants to protect you or harm you is unclear.

Friend ∙ Protector
Orion (VA: Yumi Igarashi)
A spirit from a distant world. His outward appearance looks to the human eye as a 10-year-old boy. On his way to run a short errand in the human world, he crashes into you and becomes trapped inside your mind. He supports you in order to fulfill your mutual goal of regaining your memories.

■ How to Play
After the opening movie, the title screen will be shown. To play a new game, select “NEW GAME.” To continue your current game, select “CONTINUE.” If you’d like to select another story, select “CHAPTER.” After clearing the prologue, four different stories will become available.

How to Download / Install

Download and install Amnesia: Memories Premium version 1.0.3 on your Android device!
Downloaded 1,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.gloczus.amnesiasmp_premium2, download Amnesia: Memories Premium.apk

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Game History & Updates

What's Changed
Fixed a bug.
Version update Amnesia: Memories Premium was updated to version 1.0.3
Price update  Price changed from $9.99 to $35.99.
Version update Amnesia: Memories Premium was updated to version 1.0.1
More downloads  Amnesia: Memories Premium reached 1 000 - 5 000 downloads

What are users saying about Amnesia: Memories Premium

by N####:

The visuals are stunning. Was not expecting voice acting, so that was a nice surprise for me! I absolutely love the use of the colors used in the backgrounds that change. I am immersed with the story this game contains. Simply amazing :)

by Z####:

One of the best otome games out there. It definitely has the best replay value as well as amazing artwork. I only wish Otomate would bring more of their games like this over to mobile as seamlessly. I still go back to play occasionally and just browse the gallery after having completed the game.

by W####:

I love the minigames that were included in this. Most otome games are pretty much only dialougue and no gameplay, so this is refreshing. I'm a little sad that the game cost so much. But I guess they have to make money someway... I just hope one day I can play more of these games without emptying my wallet...

by Z####:

The characters a fantastically written, with the exception of the heroine (who just wants to make me stab myself in the eye). Stunning, unparalleled graphics and decent voice actors. It would have been nice if they made the heroines personality similar to Waka's, but less extreme. I hope Otomate translate the other games because I really want to see more. Kent is literally my ideal type. Pls let me marry him <3

by P####:

I played this when it was available on Steam and I've never been so amazed by an otome game before. It has changed my life completely. I bought this so that I can relive the memories of my darling Ura murdering me all over again ♡ this game helped me find my eternal husbando

by W####:

The art is super pretty. Like. Seriously. Plus the storyline is really interesting between the several characters.Though I'm slightly heartbroken by the 44.99 price, I bought it anyway. By the way, you guys need to translate Amnesia Later, World and Crowd to english. A lot of people are actually looking forward to it, so please do it!!!! I'll be supporting and waiting for it ;)

by U####:

I've played this game, literally every character and route possible. It simply never gets old. I assumed it would be like most otome games and I was very, very, pleasantly wrong. Anyway, it's expertly produced and absolutley worth the purchase. It is irritating when others complain about the cost or access to purchase, it comes down to supporting the art. People support themselves and families every day with jobs. You don't ask the guy at McDonald's why you have to pay for your burger.

by Z####:

I have been eyeing this game for quite a while, and when I saw that you skyrocketed the price, I was getting a little dissapointed. However, I bit a million bullets and decided that this would be my first ever full and officially bought otome game! I was not dissapointed and I like it a lot. Was going to wait until I finished the game to give a review but it some how deleted all my data so now I gotta start over before I can even finish.

by Z####:

No words can explain just how much I love this. I watched the anime, then found out it was a game. My fiancé actually bought the "full" version for me as a surprise. ♡

by Z####:

I usually don't write reviews on games but this game is so fantastically put together I couldn't help to exclaim about it. The story lines are awesome, graphics are beautiful and the characters are intriguing. I just couldn't get enough of it so sadly I blew through the game rather quickly. No complaints tho. I just hope for a second addition, maybe with an English dub so I can listen in my own language even tho the Japanese language is very beautiful. I wholeheartedly recommend this game and it is totally worth the money. P.S. I'm in love with all the characters, Shin, Ikki, Kent, Toma and of course Ukyo, all very unique and I can't pick which one is my favorite. This game rocks!!!

by A####:

I've only had the game for a few days and already fell in love with it. The art work is beautiful with great voices and story plots.

by Z####:

beautiful story,so much detail in the art,voice acting,fun mini games,I cried at the end of all their stories,I am definitely a fan and can't wait to play more of your games

by N####:

I love it, but it won't save where I left off, and when I hit continue it says there's no date. I don't know how to fix that. Help please.

by Z####:

It was a wonderfull story but I honestly wish there had been just a touch more to it. For the price I paid I honestly wanted just a bit more. But great otherwise, I don't regret my purchase.

by Z####:

Fast gameplay and the characters are soooo ♡ , since i finished the series, time for the game.

by Z####:

Each story was completely different!truly worth the money for all the stories!

by J####:

I love it! The story and art are great and the guys are beautiful. I love the voice acting and the mini games are a nice bonus.

by Z####:

please release the sequel on android im willing to throw money at it i love this game so Much

by Z####:

I like it, because you can play all the routes and I love the anime.

by L####:

Great game, worth the money, for the length, quality, and extra content this game comes with!

by Z####:

Would love more of these. :)

by L####:

Really great story + well done technically. It's a smooth experience and, to me, immersive. There have been a couple times that I actually felt sick to my stomach. My heart dropped a couple times because of something unexpected! I recommend not playing through Diamond for the first play. It was really intense as a play through.

by Z####:

The art is wonderful, especially the eyes. The story, characters, and lore are well done and interesting to follow. I've stayed up way too late pkaying this, and it even hurt my arm from bending it so much playing it on my tiny phone. Worth it.

by Z####:

I purchased this game to have on both mobile and steam and have lived every moment of it. I just have a problem with my mobile game not allowing me to use the two finger touch to bring up the menu to mamually save or check parameters or anything. Is there any fix I'm missing?

by N####:

This game right here is the BEST otome game I've ever played in my entire life. The beautiful artstyle, perfect voice-overs, character designs, music, multiple endings & story's too good & enjoyable. I bought this on steam & am purchasing it AGAIN in the playstore bcos it's worth my time, money & soul. Can't wait for the developers to update amnesia later & crowd on playstore & steam. I've made no regrets purchasing & spending time on Amnesia. You won't too ;3

by Z####:

im rather disappointed i spent 23$ on this. 5 or maybe 10$ is all its worth. i would have been off just reading a manga since thats all this really is. u click along reading with maybe 10 answers actually given by the character the rest of the time is spent jst reading a story with lousy endings.

by Z####:

I love this game on the lG G4 there's a bug where the character portraits are out of sync sometimes. Kinda annoying.

by Z####:

Awesome!! Please release more!

by Z####:

Love it!

by Z####:

When is the Later Story available in google play? Gawd this is so good. In the beginning I liked Shin best, 'coz he was a hot tsundere-esque char. But then it was Kent oh boy Kent and his mathszsx! Megane<3 But nothing beats Ukyo's devotion, I almost cried! Love the art, stories, characters, the voice acting and minigames. Definitely worth the money. Oh and I liked Ikki and Toma too, just not as much as the other three.

by I####:

I love this story app so much, it's very well made. I spent so much time on this, but I loved it! This 1 stole my heart, I actually cried really hard at the last unlocked story. (Lucky I was in a hotel room, and no one could see me, and laugh that I was crying over a story lol)....but it was just that good! Thank you so much for this! For anyone new, I recommend you read a few of the endings on each one, not just straight to cheat sheet, that way the last story really hits your heart! it was so worth it!

by Z####:

Thank you for translating this game. I have been wanting to play this game since long time before. Seriously the best otome game I ever played till date. Love all the character, usually when I played other otome game I tend to not like one or two character, but this game is different all the character are super interesting. The story are really nice and super interesting. Worth the money. Please translate the sequel. I want to play amnesia crowd, amnesia later, and diabolik lovers if possible.

by Z####:

I adore this game. I love the story, the voice acting, everything. The only real problem I have with this app and the Hakuoki app is that they can't be moved to the SD card. The apps are massive in terms of memory and it would be a lot easier on my phone, and my heart that panics every time I'm about to run out of space, if it could be moved. Please consider adding this feature.

by N####:

I wish I could have amnesia so I can replay this game again without any knowledge of it. The graphics were amazing, the voice acting was spot on, and the storyline was, without doubt, one of the best I'd ever seen. Personally, I suck at decision making, haha, and me playing this game just supports that even more. Nevertheless, this was reeeaaallly good and for those questioning about the price, it's totally worth it! It would be so cool if the sequels were released here also. Petition! Petition!

by Z####:

I won't say the size of the app is a problem, that's workable, the issue I have lies with the fact you can't move the app to the SD card. Knowing your app is so large why would you not add that ability??? As for glitches, floating heads... Yup.

by Z####:

I liked the story, and the art and music tie into the game well. The only thing I had a problem with was the fact that occasionally, only the face of a character would show up while they were talking, or the character wouldn't disappear even after they had finished talking.

by Z####:

Every penny spent is REALLY REALLY worth it! I just finished all the routes and my heart was just throbbing for Ukyo. Every story has its own unique way and characteristic, with the characters just to die for. The graphics are beautiful and the voices is perfect for each personality of a different characters. As said in the picture "GORGEOUS". Definitely worth downloading the full purchase of the game!!!

by U####:

I live Shinsengumi Kitan now I love Amnesia Memories You need to complete Ukyo Bad end 7 to have all the pic'

by Z####:

Someone said a character is missing. This is incorrect. You have to get the main 4 good ending before you unlock joker world. The game is absolutely amazing and I love all the endings... even the bad ones! Which Ukyo has plenty. Especially worth it if you love the anime.

by O####:

I would give it A5 star but has anybody else had problems with not having ukyo OR AKA The Joker the world cuz I got every character but ukyo in the premium?

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358 users







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