Gゲー版 眠れるアプリ ホットケーキ for Android
ホットケーキレシピを調べて、さぁ料理、、その前に!料理ゲーム「眠れるアプリ ホットケーキ」で練習してみては!?
◆「眠れるアプリ チャーハン」「眠れるアプリ コショウ」「眠れるアプリ 羊が一匹」など、他にも公開中です!
Galaxy S(ギャラクシー)
GalaxyTab SC-01C(ギャラクシータブ)
Lynx 3D SH-03C(リンクス)
REGZA Phone T-01C(レグザ フォン)
REGZA Phone IS04
SIRIUS α IS06(シリウス)
HTC Desire Ⅰ/DesireⅡ(デザイア)
DesireHD(デザイア HD)
GALAPAGOS 003SH(ガラパゴス)
DELL Streak Softbank 001DL(デル ストリーク)
■ Game Introduction
Check the hot cake recipes, cooking Now, before that! Try to practice in the "application pancake Sleeping" cooking game! ?
First, the frying pan on the screen. Seed of hot cake is poured from above. The spread in the pan, you can make a sound appetizing Juju. On the screen, to see the seeds to go burn every moment, listening to the sound, let's pretend the Sumafo (smartphone / smartphone) at the time "It's here!" And! Frying pan in the screen moves, hot cake is turned over. If Yakere well, the completion of the hot cake appetizing!
If it fails ...? In another unfortunate result ... it. Repeat until the burning well, try! Try! Make a hot cake appetizing to become a (cafe) stylish cafe will be published in the gourmet guide Gourmet app!
◆ "app fried rice Sleeping" "application pepper Sleeping," "app sheep Sleeping is one animal", such as it is published in it elsewhere!
Health & Fitness
Compatible models list]
Xperia (Xperia)
Galaxy S (Galaxy)
GalaxyTab SC-01C (Galaxy Tab)
Lynx 3D SH-03C (Lynx)
REGZA Phone T-01C (Regza phone)
REGZA Phone IS04
SIRIUS α IS06 (Sirius)
HTC Desire Ⅰ / Desire Ⅱ (Desire)
DesireHD (Desire HD)
GALAPAGOS 003SH (Galapagos)
DELL Streak Softbank 001DL (Dell Streak)
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