game tajwid (petualangan) for Android
Cara memainkannya pun sangat mudah. Bacalah petunjuk permainan dan selesaikan misi yang diberikan untuk lanjut ke level selanjutnya. Dapatkan contoh-contoh setiap bacaan dan kumpulkan dalam menu koleksi. selamat belajar.
Versi uji coba, saran dan kritik dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan selanjutnya.
Mohon maaf, untuk Android versi gingerbeard(2.3) ke bawah, Sering terjadi crash. Butuh spesifikasi lebih tinggi. Untuk update selanjutnya, Minimum versi Android akan ditingkatkan.
This game combines elements of Islamic learning Tajweed (the science of how to read the Al-Quran) is applied in the Android smart phone. With the game becoming one of the alternative media to explore how to read the Koran middle age who had infiltrated the advancement of mobile technology is increasingly sophisticated. Hopefully with the making of this game, will encourage children to be more active in learning, games beating Android phones that have been widely circulated.How to play it was very easy. Read the game instructions and complete the mission that was given to proceed to the next level. Get examples of each reading and collect in the collection menu. congratulations learning.
Trial version, suggestions and criticism are needed for further development.
We are sorry, gingerbeard for Android version (2.3) to the bottom, crashes often occur. Need a higher specification. For the next update, minimum version of Android will be improved.
Please make it in English I need it help please
Really education and enjoy to play.
Good app for android
Fun and informative
Good aplikasi
Makasih seru game ny
Good app for android
Be the best
Terima kasih untuk dibuatnya app ini :-) semoga Allah SWT melimpahkan berkahnya :-)
In which language is this ...i did nt getting it plz make it in urdu aur in english so it can be easy to learn for me is nice and fab ...i want to play but for tajwid i am nt getting...
Good app for android
Nnt diupdate lg yach...
The best game ever ! I loved it
Bagus sekali gamesnya, selain kita bermain disini kita juga bisa belajar ^^ .. syukron
Semoga berkah amiin
I do hope I can learn.. It was daebakkkk
Game nya keren
Ini baru namanya belajar sambil bermain, makasih gemodev :V
Mantap alhamdulillah
Suka sekali
Letak navigasi tombol untuk arah sebaiknya di kiri n untuk nembak/loncat dikanan, karena rata2 game navigasiny sep itu, jd pas main ini jd ribet sendiri. Trus letak huruf yg tdk dicollect sebaiknya posisiny jgn menghalangi jalan yg hrs dilewati krn terkadang tdk sengaja tersenggol, mengingat yg main ini kan anak kecil, fokuskan saja ke mengenal huruf, bukan menyulitkan tuk bermain, tks
Subhanallah ^^
Alhamdulillah ad game tajwid.. ^_^
Semoga berkah yah
Really education and enjoy to play.
Barakallahu, semoga bermanfaat
by F####:
Lanjutkan, sudah bagus. Tinggal dikembangkan