Gin Rummy for Android
Buttttt can u make an opetin on how many cards u want cause i play with 7cards
Cards are to small!!
Great game to play for adults
Was not able to discard after the first turn. Very frustrating.
This is the best 2 player, 2 device gin game we have found and we have looked. Thanks guys. Keep up the good work. :)
Great game! Thanks for the updates & continuing to fix any reported bugs. I've not experienced any bugs in the game so far & play daily. always seems to get just the cards it needs, almost never needs to draw more than five cards to knock or gin, and when it knocks its discard is more often than not just the card I was looking for that would have let me knock or get gin. If it's not cheating it sure fakes it well. It's also inconsistent with scoring; I've seen it simply not score an obvious layoff when it knocked, costing me 10 points.
Buttttt can u make an opetin on how many cards u want cause i play with 7cards
Loose almost every time playing cards with a computer of coarse!
Was not able to discard after the first turn. Very frustrating.
Great fun & teaches you to be a better, more observant player! :-)
Let's you win a few then hits you with quick gins that are lightning fast. Not much fun in that
It's freezing up my phone
You can hardly see the cards to they're too small
Buttttt can u make an opetin on how many cards u want cause i play with 7cards
Great fun & teaches you to be a better, more observant player! :-)
The AI wins in a couple of moves almost every time. No fun in that. Uninstalled.
Total and utter garbage. The only way to knock or any other call you have to wait until the CPU does it for you. Total bs
Gin rummy
I haven't played it much against the AI because I was specifically looking for a version that my husband and I could play against each other. When I saw that it said "Designed for phones!" I almost passed it by, but decided to give it a try anyway! Then when I checked out the options that were available, I was AMAZED at the long list. Then I tried a couple of problems there at all, so I went on and started reading the reviews. It was then that I realized JUST how good the DEVELOPERS of this game are! EVERY complaint I saw in the reviews, in addition to every request (no matter how petty) had been corrected or added! For that & a smooth running multi-person game on my tablet with a bluetooth connection, I give you 5 stars, a rarity in my ratings!
Great fun & teaches you to be a better, more observant player! :-)
Total and utter garbage. The only way to knock or any other call you have to wait until the CPU does it for you. Total bs
On a Galaxy S5 the cards are too small to see and turning orientation landscape is worse. Need to make better use of the available screen space
Bluetooth was a little strange at first, but once I understood that dealer equated to host and non-dealer, client.
Real life
Frustrated with the tool buttons right below the cards, (the clickable ads are below that). If you increase font size you lose sight of some things, but not those wonderful ads.
uninstalled too small.
Thanks devs for in-game options of chamging how high bonus is for undercut/gin/big gin/ shutout/box/game. AI is challenging. Randomization of shuffles seems to be fair enough. And ability of going Big Gin exists and give more depth to gameplay like in no other game on the market.
Easy controls and ui. Doesn't cheat half as often as some claim. I've won almost every game so far
Played 3 games in a row. Lost each game in two or three hands. Ai able to lay down after only a couple of plays. Not fun, uninstalled!
Total and utter garbage. The only way to knock or any other call you have to wait until the CPU does it for you. Total bs
Only one game of seven is a winner
You need bigger cards or zoom option
Eon my first 3 games so far. Bob must just suck at this game.
Really good game until I Ginned. Back and forth like a real game until that then it started its normal cheating. Didn't win or even come close after that....Makers of this game should be ashamed of themselves!!!!
Tak jadi ape.
Off the chain !
by I####: