Tap Poker Social Edition

Tap Poker Social Edition Free Game

Rated 3.34/5 (1,017) —  Free Android application by FREEON Corp.

About Tap Poker Social Edition


We bet you will enjoy playing at Tap Poker!

Welcome to the TAP POKER SOCIAL EDITION the social network (community) built for fun where you can meet new friends and family all over the world, also send messages.

Without installing a separate messenger, from TAP POKER SOCIAL EDITION you can have excellent community with your friends and family!

Enjoy life while you can! Imagine what it’s like with this game, win the daily lottery.

We (TAP POKER SOCIAL EDITION) do not want to be the best game out there in the world! But we want to be around you all the time as best friend!

TAP POKER SOCIAL EDITION provides easy and fast network access play poker (Texas Hold’ em) with your friends and family anytime, anywhere.

- Best social messenger
- Quick login system
- Free chips to be paid
- Fast and easy to play game (Selecting table)
- Facebook and Guest login support (Providing a pleasant game experience that does not require signing up)
- Chat and emoticons to express their feelings
- A lively game with real players around the world
- Provides very easy and convenient atmosphere so anyone can enjoy
- Find friends and join the table immediately to play game with your friends

★★TAP POKER SOCIAL EDITION is online game with virtual money.★★

How to Download / Install

Download and install Tap Poker Social Edition version 1.3.5 on your Android device!
Downloaded 50,000+ times, content rating: Not rated
Android package: com.freeon.tappoker, download Tap Poker Social Edition.apk

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Android game

Game History & Updates

What's Changed
Dear all Tap Poker players! we have opened new version.
please update our new TAP Poker.
[feature and details]
- fixed bugs
- Support Voice chat
- Support whisper chat
- Save game results
- ETC fixed bugs
thank you!!
Version update Tap Poker Social Edition was updated to version 1.3.5
Version update Tap Poker Social Edition was updated to version 1.1.6
Version update Tap Poker Social Edition was updated to version 1.0.7
More downloads  Tap Poker Social Edition reached 50 000 - 100 000 downloads

What are users saying about Tap Poker Social Edition

by I####:

Sige igual sale el error de wifi o de 3g omg decepcionada

by K####:

I think that it can be perfected. For example it seems that there are to many bots and a small fraction of actual players that are playing and that's if they are able to even log into the system... Second why have the option to play sit&go when there isn't any activity and your left staring at a blank screen??? 11/100% of the function and options is all there is for users to experience really??? The snake game on Nokia was more interactive and entertaining unlike this disappointing tap antisocial experiment..

by N####:

Many changes in Tap.. We can hear voices, sadly bully players are same...

by N####:

You only update apple, update android too thank you.

by U####:

I can't get in. It tells me ck my 3g connection and or wifi. It sucks! !!

by X####:

Hello I did buy some chips the confirmation for the payment its made but my chips are not in the game

by N####:

I love it so much! Great game! Keep it up!

by H####:

Error logging in

by Q####:

Can't always sign in or stay at the tables

by N####:

This app does not work don't waist your time it just takes your money and either bans u or u can't log on if u want to play poker I suggest u stay away from tap

by N####:

After many emails finally I can play.So Ty Tap for letting me play again with my friends.Congrats Tap tehnics Team for that!!!

by N####:

Idiots...dont bother!!

by D####:

I understand Tap make new update.. U CAN HEAR PLAYERS VOICES!! BUT only Apple devices, android not!! So Tap give me 700$ for IPhone??

by E####:

After update I play 5 days. NOW SURPRISE!!!! ACCOUNT banned no reason.Yes I hate U TAP!!! BECAUSE U broke my rights.I not buy ,I not hack just a small player lol Tap.

by B####:

I did the update and lost my Google account and all my chips .and it brought me back to the beginners level. When you write to them there's no response .

by N####:

I can't open the app it show me this massege check your 3g.... and my internet is good !!!!

by W####:

Lost my account after update had over 17 billion now new account with beginners level NO REPLY to my emails

by J####:


by N####:

This app sucks.

by O####:

Do not buy chips. They will not let u log in the next time. And not reply to your msges. Owners are rude and uneducated.can't speak proper english.

by P####:

If I could I would give --☆☆☆☆☆. I have contacted the conseveral times about 3 different accounts that have been locked or blocked. They send out the same generic email response every time. No response or help from customer service. Don't install if you don't want the aggravation. I'm deleting this app. A lame response after 5 months and telling me to contact them again.For What reason? Going to get the same generic email again and bogus replies as to why I can't log into different blocked accounts.

by Z####:

2 days you won't let me enter the app. What is your problem tap poker Korea?? Always problems with you.

by N####:

Unable to get in over a month now

by N####:

Can try again

by N####:

It is stuck on the opening screen and wont let me go further at all.. I'm missing out on my bonuses and everything... I'm getting very irritated!!! Besides the fact it won't let me buy people anything if I am able to get further or let me log in with an account so I don't lose my account like last time..

by Q####:

App does not open since update, please fix

by C####:

Does not open !!!!

by Q####:

Acaba de actualizar la nueva versión y no me deja entrar abre solo para entrar con la cuenta de fb o gl y de allí se sale omg la mejoraron o la empeoraron

by Q####:

There customer support are so rude they said I was a hacker! !!!! I'm a fork lift truck driver lol ...900billion lost ((( stay clear of this app ...TRY POKERIST GOOD POKER APP

by Q####:

I loaded the ap, and then purchased coins and now you will not let me access the game! It says to check my 3G wifi settings. You took my money and now you will not let me even log in! Fix this now or I will report you.

by O####:

I cant play cause when i tap facebook ir says to check my internet connection and my internet connection its good.... fix the problem pls i want ny 3billion chips back !!!

by Q####:

I like hate this game..why my acc cannot login?why hacker my acc?

by Q####:

Dont purchase chips on this game . They will ban you guys for do that and took your money without giving you anything. They already do that to me . I already email them. Until now they not reply my email. Trust me , 6 month for now on . This app and they other apps will get closed for doing that to me . I dont lie . They messing with wrong people . And i want to say sorry to all tap players that still play this game . Work at Raytheon Company as IT .

by C####:

Why did you took away my chips..?!?! You suck tap..!!! 5 stars for that!!!

by Q####:

I cant log into my account :(((

by Q####:

Very Good Job .

by Q####:

Tap poker error. I had 2 billion and it is gone. Not sure y they do this. I'm no hacker but they need to check all the guest with no pics

by Q####:

Chips are bought, sit at table, 0 balance. It's a scam. They also fail to speak English, so communications are poor. Save your money, plenty of other poker apps. (I have contacted Tap Poker many times. Does no good. They ignore emails.)

by Q####:

Purchase chips, exit the app n come back with all the chips gone wtf???! Pls return the chips asap

by G####:

Started a new account got 6.3 billion out there somewhere like it back makes twice its happened

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1,017 users







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